Sunday, February 03, 2013

the bright brothers...

the bright brothers

the bright brothers

Because I could use a little colour today. Another day without the sun making an appearance, and possibly not even rising above the horizon, or so it seemed. It has felt dismally dark, and I think there's a drizzle going on out there. Honestly I haven't felt like venturing out, particularly.

But back to the point of this post - a pair of green sea turtles! A pair of fraternal twins, or maybe just brothers. Stitched in large part from vibrant linens from the lovely Carol at Yorktown Road, along with a few other pieces I had. One is a lime green, while the other more of a chartreuse. Both of them are pretty cute, I think. Entirely hand stitched, with all the individuality (and hopefully individual personality) that might imply. They will be available in the shop shortly.


Also a little notice that the shop will be put on vacation starting Friday, February 8th until the 20th. We are taking a little holiday, to a tropical place where I've got all my toes and fingers crossed that I might actually see a real sea turtle. And while I love all seasons here on the coast, I am also looking forward to a good dose of regular sunshine. So if you were eyeing any items that you would like before then, please purchase this week.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend, hopefully with more daylight than we seem to have today.


  1. They are divine! Enjoy your holiday :)

  2. Anonymous6:37 p.m.

    those eyes are great! V

  3. Enjoy your vacation. I am so happy you are going somewhere, where there is a lot of sun and sand. I wish you all the luck in seeing a sea turtle or two, or three! :-)

  4. Love that color green.

  5. Sooo cute!!! Have fun at your sunshine beach. Cheers bjmonitas

  6. It has been a very grey 2013 to date, has it not?! Soak up some sunshine for me!


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