Monday, October 08, 2012

autumn in the alpine...


autumn in the alpine

heck of a view

on the way down

Popping in for another relatively quick hello. Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians! We had a nice dinner here last night with some friends; a mountain of delicious food was devoured. Today is quieter, in certain ways but not in others. I sat on the couch for a bit this morning as the sun filtered in behind me, shadows and flurries of activity catching the corner of my eye. I soon realized that all sorts of birds were flitting about outside, between the bushes and the roof's edge, including at least one Northern flicker who kept perching on the wall of the house just outside the window to tap-tap-tap away. There were other species I didn't recognize, but I look forward to getting to know more new neighbours.

The shots above were taken on Saturday at the local ski hill, where not a flurry was spotted just yet. That's okay - the weather was beautiful, autumn alpine colours under a swathe of rich blue sky. A bit of fall crispness seemed in order, but the sun shone down with surprising heat and the mountain breeze had no bite. I'm looking forward to snow up there, but what a sweet afternoon in that fleeting environment.

Today definitely calls for a bit of outdoor exploring: to walk off last night's dinner, to pick some more blackberries, to enjoy the sunshine. Our months of extended blue skies look they just might be reaching their end later this week. Now if I could just find my battery charger that has been hiding since the move - my camera is basically dead and as I'm sure you could guess that just isn't going to fly for me.

Hope you have a great day whether it's a holiday or just plain old Monday!


  1. Knowing that the weather is due to end soon has made me determined to soak up every last bit of sunshine! Visited friends down at Fanny Bay and stopped at the gov't dock to marvel in the sea lions hanging out down there right now. Had to pull the boy away finally - could have watched them all day.

    We're staying up on the mountain next week-end, but sadly think we will miss the sunshine and just enjoy some walking in light rain instead!

  2. I've enjoyed this dry time. It's been warm but not too warm and beautiful. But I'm looking forward to a real fall with cool temperatures and moisture in the air. The trees where I live are late turning colour and losing their leaves. I realized this year how much I miss the night sky during the summer. I don't usually stay up that late!

  3. ive never seen such a wide expanse of conifers. how pretty!


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