Monday, September 10, 2012


dyer's polypore?

the fern road

seed pod

along the river

peter cottontail

Today's walk confirmed it. Despite what the calendar says, autumn has arrived. A few good, albeit short, soakings of rain and the air has changed. There is a crisp wind coming down off the hills, rattling its way along the dry maples along the river's edge and swirling yellow leaves into eddies. The snails are revelling in the moisture of drenched moss and climbing out to the tips of the sword ferns. The mushrooms haven't had much of  chance to poke through, but a large velvety polypore waited for me alongside the trail. I believe it's a dyer's polypore, and the portion that I brought home is currently creating a yellow dye liquid.

The little cottontails flashed their white tails and hid in the thicket, and the peah of a flicker and the coarse mewwww of towhees noted my passage back to the truck. We are sure to have a few warm afternoons yet, but there's no denying it. In the fading light of a storm and sun day, fall is here.


  1. The colors of autumn in Canada are always so much deeper & brighter than here in southern France. You captured these colors so well, K !
    I do hope for you that it's actually Dyer's polypore, and if it is so, that you'll get to pick it (if it's your wish, that is !)
    Good luck for your week. Take care oxox

  2. Yes, fall is arriving everywhere now ....
    Kind of sad for the summer, but kind of kind too for the special feelings and harvest autumn is always giving ;-)

  3. I can feel the chill here now too... Those are some pretty snails :)

  4. Each image so beautiful. Hello fall. :)

  5. I love fall. It is, I think, my favourite season. I love the smells and the sounds. Thanks for the pictures.

  6. we are having very warm weather here in ontario , a continuation of a hot summer but I know fall will come and I will be full of joy

  7. The seed head photo is fantastic. I love it.


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