Friday, September 28, 2012

in a fog...

sun over morning fog


morning fog


Things have been a bit quiet around here, hey? My old house is a squall of boxes and random items strewn about, my new house slowly being stacked with items we have moved in the past week. The big final push is this evening and tomorrow, and by Saturday night I should be looking at the same mess but in reverse as I start setting up our new home. Fun...? But I didn't tell you the best part - at this time of year, our old place is well ensconced in shadow by four in the afternoon. Yet when I took a load over to the new place at 6:30 yesterday evening, there was still sunlight streaming through the kitchen window. Sweet.

I went out of town for a few days this week to attend a work conference on the south end of the island. It's not an area that I get to visit too often, and although we were mainly isolated to the hotel where the conference was held, at least it was on the water where we had a beautiful view to greet us each day. The view was a bit obscured at times, due to a rolling bank of fog moving in and out of the harbour from the open Pacific, but in some ways that made it all the more interesting.

Hope you're having a good week.


A few good things from around the interwebs:
>> These pumpkin poppers would be perfect for a tasty treat on a cool autumn morning.
>> So far I've resisted the friendship bracelet resurgence (although I made so many as a kid!), but these  large scale ones from the purl bee may have won me over.
>> I'm in love with this art piece from Valeriane Leblond.


  1. Were you by chance in Sooke? Some of those pictures look familiar. We have had such lovely fog roll in and burn off the last few weeks. Makes for great pictures and a spooky walk along Whiffen Spit.

  2. Sunlight in the northwest is a premium perk! I'm so glad you have it at your new place. Can't wait to see pictures around your new digs.

  3. Beautiful photos. Just wandered by, had to stop and look.

    Lovely stuff.


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