Tuesday, August 21, 2012

fall is creeping in...

fall is creeping in

late summer

fall is creeping in

...at about the pace of a caterpillar. But you'd be surprised how quickly one of those little fluffy dudes can move. The spiders are spinning webs every which way I turn (which is sometimes directly into said webs, unfortunately). The light is changing, from that harsh glare of summer to a cleaner, crisper glow that filters into my bones. The air is shifting too; crisp is the wrong word just yet, but it's thinking about it.

This week is chock full, and then we're trying to escape for a little getaway. If something pops up or I have a spare moment, I may post again before saturday, but otherwise you probably won't hear from me  until late next week. As well, anything purchased in the shop after tomorrow will not ship until next Friday, August 31. Thanks for understanding.

>> Also, does anyone know what kind of caterpillar this is? I don't think I've ever seen a white one around here before.


  1. Anonymous4:43 a.m.

    Hi, very interesting with this caterpillar. Maybe you find the answer on that website: http://www.simplegiftsfarm.com/caterpillar-identification.html
    Have fun and take care!

  2. I just stumbled on your lovely blog, and am so happy I did; your photos are beautiful! And I just love your little animal sculptures - how adorable! Have fun on your getaway! :)

  3. Anonymous1:22 p.m.

    Maybe this is an albino :>) V

  4. Love the "spider hammock." That may be the puss or asp moth (caterpillar). Can sting....

  5. interesting to watch as caterpillars show his iron will and stubbornness - for example, not wanting to go with his hands on the sheet, or climb on your arm to have taken them from the sidewalk.


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