Sunday, July 08, 2012

sunday night...

'false' morel?

trying new ideas... you might call this a 'false' morel. or maybe 'faux' morel is more accurate, since this one has a hollow stem just a morel (and not like an actual false morel). summer has finally arrived and i'm enjoying the sun, but apparently my mind is already thinking about autumn. (and yes, i know morels are really spring mushrooms...)


i'm just home from a full afternoon on the water, sitting cross-legged on the couch with a tray of grocery store sushi and old grey's anatomy on in the background. classy, i know. most of yesterday was spent with my niece and nephew, my mom and dad. we picked berries, visited with the alpacas, and dipped ourselves in the sea. just about this time last night my mom and i took a walk just the two of us (and Sam). we left the road and climbed up a moss-covered bluff over the water in time to see a neon red sun shimmering through the haze dip behind the trees on the far side of the harbour.

this afternoon after returning the kids home, i zipped back downtown in time to board a zodiac piloted by my dear friend. after pulling on red survival suits against all common sense in this heat, we headed out into the blue haze with a boatload full of visitors, grateful for the breeze created by twin engines pushing us forward at 30 knots. much like our trip last week, the whales continued to elude us (i think it's me - they seem to see whales every other day). but don't worry, my camera found many other targets. seabirds and seals, dolpins and bears, and so many swooping eagles i lost count. not to mention the breathtaking winding channels and maze of islands they all call home. i'm so lucky to have a friend who lets me tag along on boat tours in the summertime.

we returned to the dock in the evening light, late. my to-do list for this afternoon got forgotten, and i'm sure i'll be playing catch up all this week as usual. but how can i turn a last-minute invite like that? now it's time to get myself into bed in preparation for the workday tomorrow. nothing like a day full of sun and sea air to make one sleep well at night. i hope your weekend was full of summertime (or wintertime?) moments as well.


  1. Oh yes, sometimes the to-do list can wait a little longer for sure. So glad you had such a nice weekend, even though I know that kids are tiring/exhausting.
    The fake porel got me thinking. I remember the other mushroom you had made two years ago I think. I'm picturing a bowl full of them, it'd be so perfect for autumn. Love the idea.
    Good luck for your week of work. I hope you're fine, and that your wrist is now only history. xoxo

  2. You astound me. You know how much I love that morel, right?

    And I love your adventures.

  3. Anonymous4:40 p.m.

    I really like your morel!

  4. It is amazing to me how much character you can imbue into...a morel! Impressive work, as usual. And your time on the water sounds like a perfect day!


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