Saturday, July 14, 2012

summer sunset

hazy day sunset


the pier



summer has definitely arrived around here, for over a week now. for about a week we had very hazy skies despite the sunshine, apparently due to wildfires all the way over in siberia. we have been affected by wildfire haze before on the coast, but usually this has been from fires in the interior of the province. it is crazy to think of smoke travelling that far, and yet an enlightening look at how we all affect each other. one upside of the haze though was that it gave some amazing sunsets. these shots are from one of those, taken at a local marina as i wandered amongst many others enjoying the serene end to the day.

last night we went up to the mountain for a beer and scotch festival with a couple friends (and 150+ other revelers). i don't generally drink much of either, but A went last year and really enjoyed it, so i thought i would tag along with my camera and capture some photos for work (you can see some of that here). it was a simply gorgeous evening overlooking the snowcapped peaks of strathcona park, with the skies clear and blue again as the sun set behind the hills.

today started with a trip to the farmers market to stock up on some fresh bounty, and a bit of garden weeding until the heat drove me into the cool house again. i seem to have acquired a large pile of tomatoes and so i'm trying to think of an easy summer meal with them for tonight. could be as simple as grilled pizza, but let me know if you have some good suggestions. hope you're having a good weekend!


  1. capreze salad! (mozz., tomotoes, basil, balsamic, olive oil, salt and pepper). i consider that half a meal.

    love your rosy marine shots. send us some summer cuz we are in desperate need!

  2. I was shocked when I read that the haze was from fires in Siberia! It was so thick I could barely see Mt. Washington, and the coast completely disappeared.

  3. Those pictures are STUNNING K! Just beautiful!! I am glad for you that you are finally getting some sunshine and heat..we are HOT here! and VERY dry..need rain bad! As far as your tomatoes..have you ever checked out FOODGAWKER??? Some great recipes there:) Enjoy your day!


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