Sunday, June 24, 2012


flood flow

the rush

i had thought of a beach walk today, but then i thought about the crowds that generally accompany a beautiful sunny weekend, and i reconsidered my plans. as soon as i stepped out of my truck at the trailhead, i could hear the roar of the river, about 1/2 km distant. down the winding path through the tall trees and the river was before me, but a frothing, boiling version of what i am used to. the river is dam-controlled, which generally curbs flooding , but they are letting a lot of the snowmelt out right now while they can (ie, before the rain starts again). it was like white noise, sitting there on the rocks. i could barely hear the other people who had come to watch the flow, and it felt like i was by myself on the edge of the rush.


other things:
>> tomorrow my truck goes in for some major service that might be alarmingly expensive. unfortunately it's hardly a surprise anymore with this vehicle, but doesn't make it hurt less. might actually hurt more, since i optimistically decided to order a new camera lens last week. it arrives tomorrow, but i'm thinking it might need to get sent right back after i get that mechanic bill.
>> A returned home this evening after a week long kayak journey with friends. the trip was enjoyable but fairly uneventful...except for the part on the drive home where his roof racks failed and flew on the car - along with the two kayaks strapped to them - at 110 km/hr. jeesh. thankfully there was no one behind them and the damage to the fibreglass boats was surprisingly minor. but i still had to drive south this evening to pick up the boats (while A drove his car) so they could get them all the way home.
>> after a couple years watching from the sidelines, i think i'm going to try and take part in poppytalk's summer colour week, so stay tuned for colour-themed posts all this week. i think i'm going to go back into the archives and find some older shots that people might not have seen before.


  1. I'm so very sorry about the truck expenses, and the lens postponed order. Some things really suck, and cars are one of them. Wishing you better days.
    So very happy you decided to play along during Poppytalk Colour week ! Yay ! xoxo

  2. That exact thing happened to my friends one week-end after camping up here with us, on the big highway as well! I never thought I'd hear of the same thing happening to someone else, as it seemed such a freak accident!

    The falls look amazing.

  3. how lucky are you to experience such beauty...i love watching rushing water especially when it is so clear it reflects the blue ok the sky...


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