Friday, June 08, 2012

owls & mushrooms...

a walk in the woods

barred owl

summer mushrooms

barred owl

poking through

a few more photos from our trip to the mainland. with the weather continuing to play rain games, we elected for a nice short hike last sunday instead of trying to climb. our friends took us up to alice lake provincial park, a moss-drenched forest walk around four small lakes and accompanying creeks. despite what the calendar says, there were many mushrooms poking up in this wet and cool environment, including some amanitas as big as my hand.

as we neared the end of our walk i noticed a ruckus in the forest canopy - a stellar's jay and some robins and other small birds protesting and fluttering about. something large took flight between the trees and i knew it was an owl. it alit on another branch and we all eyed this barred owl with awe, as it warily eyed us back. it seemed particularly concerned about me and my camera, but allowed me to approach at least a little ways to get a couple shots of it high above my head. amazing creature to encounter in the forest, and we enjoyed its big eyes and solid grace in the branches (amidst the continuing distress of the little birds). you may have noticed that the title above says "owls", not owl...while i can't say for sure, later that evening as we drove back up the island to our home in the fading light (and rising giant moon) i thought i spotted an owl perched high on a branch, silhouetted against the sky. it could have been another large bird, a hawk or eagle, or just a trick of my eye, but it seemed very owl-shaped to me. a two owl day, that seems pretty special to me.


thanks for your words in response to my post the other day. i am feeling a bit better as the week ends, comforted too by some very generous family and friends in my life. and if you didn't already know, it is world oceans day and i plan to enjoy a seaside walk after work this evening. i hope you can appreciate the ocean in your own way today too, whether you are able to be near it or not.

happy friday folks!


  1. owl sightings are otherworldly! something about their expression goes right to the soul. i'm glad youve been energized: you need friends who pick you up when you've been knocked down.

    hey, i've noticed owls dont like camera lenses either--do you think it looks like a big eye to them?

  2. Anonymous5:25 p.m.

    Happy Friday to you and Happy Birthday, hope you will have fun this week-end. V

  3. What amazing photos of the barred owl... do you think you might stitch one????

    Jacky xox

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What a lucky day :) I remember the first and only time I saw an owl while I was alone in the woods. I'll admit, totally cried- it was so beautiful.

  6. There is something magical and mysterious about owls. A couple of years ago, returning home from hospital late at night after a frightening incident with my son, an owl swooped over the car to settle briefly on the fence. I felt comforted - protected even. Maybe your owls were doing the same.

  7. that owl is so amazing

  8. Oh goodness what beautiful images..thanks for sharingxxxlynda


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