Sunday, May 20, 2012

gathering stones...

three stones

gentle rain was falling outside the open window when i woke this morning, snug under the covers with A asleep beside me. a quiet sunday it will be, puttering about with tasks with moments of pause. there is bread rising in a big bowl resting on the back of the couch (the heater is behind), and i'm plotting some fabric mordanting and possibly a dye pot of some sort.

the three tiny stones above were stitched last night, natural dyed silk and washing linen on small linen squares, and will be sent out this week to jude. have you heard about the magic feather project? i missed my chance to send over a stitched feather or two, so i'm glad to have a new opportunity to contribute to this lovely community project. she is gathering stones now, perhaps you want to send her some too?

>>> patrick watson always transports me to a magical place.


  1. Ha !!! great you're joining in with the stones! Mine are already on the mail and hope they arrive safely over the big pond ... Suuces !

  2. I hadn't heard of Jude's project but saw your stones on flickr. I'm going to stitch up a few. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. i love the stitched stone project


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