Friday, May 04, 2012

end of week

deep dark


way down

little hearts

more spring flowers

and it's been...a week. i could go into a long list of complaints, but suddenly on friday it doesn't seem worth the effort. and really, i don't think you need (or want) to hear my whining either.

so let's all look with anticipation for the weekend ahead. i have been having some quiet nights this week as A is out of town for a couple weeks on a course. but this weekend i'll be welcoming some noise in the form of my nephews who are visiting. not staying with me - that might be a bit much! - but at my folks. so there will be visiting, some time in the farmyard, and hopefully some beach time with bonus picnic. my other sister and her family are getting their new puppy today, so i might get a chance to visit there too and see the little beast. kids and animals and food, oh my! it could be a lively one.


something else on my mind this week that i thought i'd open up to feedback here. currently, last week's giveaway remains unclaimed, despite posting the winner and a secondary attempt to let her know. i'm kind of torn on this issue. on the one hand, that person is the winner, as picked by the random number generator, and i'd be happy to send them their prize. on the other, since it has been nearly a week without hearing from her (with where to send the prize, etc), i'm tempted to draw another person from the comments to the giveaway post.  i'm not sure what is considered fair in these situations, and what proper protocol is for contacting winners. i kind of feel that if you have entered a giveaway or other contest on a blog, it is your responsibility to check back and see if you have won, not mine to track you down when i am already giving you something for free. i would feel the same if i entered a giveaway on someone else's blog. what do you think?


  1. I've had winners not claim gifts from a give-away on my blog. The last time I held one, only 3 of the 7 winners ever contacted me! It seemed such a shame that those other 4 couldn't be bothered to check back. In that case, I was giving away pdf knitting patterns, so I didn't have a lovely gift without a home, as is your dilema. Perhaps send her one more email, with a time limit for rsvp? That way if you don't hear back, you might not feel as torn about choosing someone else. Isn't it rather frustrating, that when you try to be generous, you have to give people a list of rules so that you don't have sore losers :(

  2. you have given them amble time
    so I would go ahead and pick a winner
    just pick me
    Just a note, arounna only allows 24 hours to claim your prize or she picks another winner.

  3. your weekend sounds exciting - and you are right, fridays seem somewhat healing to a rough week. :) the flowers are lovely...

    i think the "winner" should check back when you say you will pick, etc. seems you've given more than enough time for them receiving that beautiful artwork - you shouldn't have to put any more time or energy into it - you've been generous enough.

  4. Seems a little unfair to be asking me what to do. I entered for it and didn't win, so I am (of course) in favour of another draw! However, you do whatever you think is right. Perhaps one more chance with a time limit, like Barbara suggested.

  5. I can assure you that if I entered one of your giveaways I would be checking back. I actually missed entering the giveaway this time as I was away from my computer for a few loss...I think it only fair you pick another winner from those that entered as it has been a week. I hope you have a fun weekend with your family.

  6. Your weekend plans sound relaxing especially the farm visit with your family. And I too am in favour of another draw--your work is so lovely.

  7. i checked back right away and i didnt even win!...maybe she's stranded in nature without internet reception...monitoring endangered animals or something. maybe she's deep in research finding a cure for juvenile diabetes and she just needs One More Day...?

    send it to me--i'll be sure to track her down ;)

  8. Woop, I have been pretty preoccupied with work. If I took too long, no worries - you can gift it to another.

  9. Lovely images. As usual, making me want to bring my camera outside...

    I think you should draw another name! xx


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