Friday, April 20, 2012

friday and the sun is shinin'

friday faves

1. Felt Moonsnail, 2. 1.5.12 3:58, 3. ..., 4. Feathers and toes, 5. this perspective, 6. tundra rain, 7. Left alone..., 8. Spring Nature Table, 9. Little Red Riding Wolf & Tater Tot, 10. natural dyed inspiration, 11. sunset in the city., 12. hellebore, 13. sunrise and sunny breakfasts, 14. Kelsey Bay, 15. Byron Bartlett Gets Barrelled, Seeking Exit, 16. European Ground Beetle

hoping to entertain you with the work of other photographers, who often do it much better than i could anyway. this weekend i will get back on track with some of my own shots - the camera has been feeling neglected recently!


sorry if it's been quiet this week. adjusting to all the things in my new job, plus up to my eyeballs in projects at my old job (of course with the perfect timing) has left me feeling tired and unproductive in the evenings. i know i'll settle in soon, and i'm trying not to complain that much. there are certainly worse things than being gainfully employed, right? a few have inquired what it is that i do - i have been a graphic designer for a number of years, but am now also taking on a marketing/admin role with a local tourism organization.

thanks for all the kind words about the collaboration with Abby - so encouraging to hear others are excited about it too. my crab is coming along well, if a bit slow, but i might even have it done by tomorrow and then i will share in full before it gets sent across the continent. then i've got to decide on a forest creature for the other half of our collaboration! somewhere in there should be some regular stitching too - there are several beasts percolating in the back of my mind right now. hmmm, and some clothing plans too - how much can i get done this weekend? yeah, let's not get too excited - i am also (net)working tomorrow evening at a local event, and hoping to hit the slopes for one last day of riding on sunday with some friends before the ski hill shuts down winter operations for the year.

but a crab; a crab i can definitely finish. especially if there is a bit of sunlight still to be found when i get home, and a quiet spot outside to breathe deep and stitch. wishing you all much relaxation of your own this weekend.


  1. sun's shining here too! thank goodness! we're spending the weekend in the high desert for a birthday celebration (my dad) and a new perspective on oregon. hoping for fun adventures!

    what sort of work do you do outside of all the creative things you share here? it's always fun to know more of the backstory. :)

    enjoy your weekend... and the sun.

  2. loved that the sun was shining today (and that my little one took some long naps!). Managed to get out and trim a hedge, mow the lawn, and weed-wack the rest of my yard into submission :)


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