Wednesday, April 25, 2012

detour / mexican sunset

mexican sunset



it's funny how things get started, where ideas come from. Margie posted this photo taken on her mexican holiday a few weeks back. i thought it was beautiful, but didn't think that much more about it. but then Sonia chimed in, suggesting she could picture such a scene stitched up by me. hmmm...that got me to thinking. after i finished my little crab friend, i was in the mood for a change of pace, a detour of some sort. that photo was so different from my own main source of inspiration, and yet in common by celebrating the beauty of the world around us. and so this little piece came together, a mexican sunset.

it is fairly small, about 7"x5", and besides the base canvas stitched entirely in naturally dyed fabrics. the rich colours seemed to suit the mood. i picked fabrics based on colour, not material, so there is a mix of cottons, linens and silks. some are dyed by me, and some are from the little stash from Margie.

a very simple scene, but effective, i hope. a quick meditation on a high desert landscape so different from my own wet coast, where the rain is falling heavily outside my door today and the world is mossy and green with new growth. and since this idea was 'given' to me, in a way, i think it's only fitting to give it again. please leave a comment here before friday morning, if you like, and i will pick a winner to send this off to.

ETA: Thanks for all the kind words! Comments are now closed and a winner will be announced Saturday.


i'm stuck in a funk today, a bitchy, grouchy mood, so i'm keeping this short. trying to repeat the mantra learned so long ago from miss Erykah....let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go...


  1. hi

    i discovered you through "while she naps" i love your creatures. i find you so inspiring.

    i would love to win this piece. i too have been having a pretty rotten day... this would make things better i think..

  2. It's funny how connected we are in this virtual world. I found your blog very recently, through another one I have read for a few years. Today you connect with another of my favourites.
    I love reading your views of the west coast. I grew up in the Rockies, and live in Montreal now. But we're thinking of moving to the west coast, just waiting for the right reasons and conditions to tip us one way or the other.

  3. This is so sweet of you, k, to give someone the chance to own this piece of art. love the inspiration.

  4. What a beautiful work of art you are sharing. Thank you for the chance. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

  5. hey i was in that sort of mood yesterday
    nothing major happened just a little series of unfortunate events
    but today the sun came out and although i had to work about 11 hours in my clinic today I was bright and cheerful.
    the sun will come out tomorrow in the words of an adorable little red head.

  6. This beautiful little piece does remind me of the sunsets I grew up with living in the Sonoran desert, just a bit north of the Mexican border.

  7. Anonymous6:26 p.m.

    Mexican sunsets are always welcome! A vacation for the eyes....
    Seeing these glorious colors helps to keep my fire lit, in my transformation to using only natural dyes. Thanks!

  8. I love it K. When I said it would look nice framed, I hadn't yet realized there was the slight chance maybe *I* could frame it.

    I have been in a little bit of a funk today too. Not so much grouchy, but can't seem to get past being half spaced out / half focused. Leaves me feeling like I should have probably just taken the day off. I hope your day starts looking up. We are about to head out to get a bottle of wine to have with our dinner!

  9. i love that you were inspired by margie's photo AND used her fabrics. that's pretty cool.

    i hope tomorrow is better. i hate those nasty days :)

  10. I've stumbled over here from flickr and have so enjoyed feasting my eyes on the work of your hands. Thanks for all the beauty!

  11. Hello from a dark, grotty and very wet Tunbridge Wells in England.

    Another day, another few inches of the wet stuff! Feels like we've been living under a rain cloud here FOREVER...

    Just love your work, can smell the sea salt and feel the cobwebs being blown away.

    Would so love to own a little window overlooking the Mexican desert - especially since my current view is so soggy! - I have my fingers crossed you pick me!


  12. I have read your blog and admired your work for many months. This small piece reminds me of a particular one I saw in the early years of Quilting Arts magazine. That is of English farmland, different colors but a similar sensibility. I am in awe of what you do. My daily walks are in woods, all green now, and some days I wish we could trade routes. I've never seen Mexico but know from Gennine's photos and art that it is beautiful. I have long wanted to see Margie's hand dyes, and your sewing, and to see them together would be sheer bliss. Please choose me!

  13. So effective, indeed, k. You really hit the mark, and it's beautiful. I love how intertwined it is...geninne's home, margie's fibers, sonia's suggestion, your heart and skill...


  14. so beautiful. I stubled across your blog a little while ago, and am so happy that I did. Haven't been to Mexico in so long and I miss it dearly, your piece really takes me back there. wonderful job.

  15. Ah !!!! Exactly what I had in mind when I wrote I pictured M's photo stitched by your skillfull fingers & mind !!! Excellent, positively excellent !
    Very generous of you to offer it in a giveaway, you can count on me for adding my name in ! Thank you for the chance to win, and more particularly, thank you for sharing your talent with the world !

  16. I can't believe how connected you wonderful women are!! This post covers almost my entire home page!!

    Thanks for a chance to win such an inspired work of art!!! 8*)

  17. Beautiful. I love sunsets. I think they're the perfect ending to pretty much every kind of day. A grand "hooray" for a good day and a "this will cheer you up" for a bad day. I hope your funk has gone away and made room for joy :)

  18. It is a beautiful piece and very generous of you to give it away. I would love to have something of yours, so please, enter me in the draw!

    Heather M.

  19. Your work is lovely, and as we are headed to the desert for our vacation this year, its a nice reminder of the expansive sky and sunsets. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. You're very generous to share one of your creations. It reminds me of when I was able to visit my aunt who lives in the Arizona desert.

  21. I love this piece and it's beauty.

    I'm also adopting the "let it go" mantra for the year. It's a tough one for me and mine, but I'm trying not to be too bitchy. :D Thanks!

  22. I love this. Your work is inspiring me to try more hand work...I love your fabric choices and the natural feel to your work. Someone will enjoy this!

  23. I really love this... reminds me also of the sunsets of my childhood in the desert, not too far from Mexico. You hit a home run here, girl! I hope you do more of these little two dimensional pieces. And sending good vibes out to you today. I think the sun needs to come out and play with you. (I love Erykah B)

  24. Anonymous10:48 a.m.

    Lil' Fish sent me your direction - hope you're having a better day today. I would love to win such a beautiful piece of art and pass it along to my mom for her stitching inspiration. Such beautiful work!

  25. Anonymous10:52 a.m.

    I like the swirling lines around the sun as it reminds me of the vibrance from Starry Starry Night. You have a true gift with colour and nature. Hope that your days are brighter, we have had rain and grey skies here for the last few days and a bit of sunshine would be welcome.

    Lucette on Rav

  26. Anonymous10:58 a.m.

    What a beautiful piece, your work is so inspiring. This reminds me of my summers spent as a child in La Mision, Baja Ca. I hope that your day gets better as the sun sets where you live.

    ali-oop on Rav

  27. I love the warmth and peace this work exudes. I hope that you feel better soon - we all have those days. Thank you for your generosity.

  28. i hope your funk lifts dear. they are so frustrating sometimes. a beautiful piece, i'm glad it will find an appreciative home among one of your many fans!


  29. It's very pretty - I love your work and it would be wonderful to find this in the mail!

  30. Greetings from Central Texas, watching a gorgeous sunset right now - hope your skies have brightened up :-)

  31. 'god is in the details' and your details are heavenly.

  32. I love this piece! I also have fond memories of a Mexico road trip, and a photo like this of a sunset on the Baja.

  33. Hi!
    I just came upon your blog through little fish studio news
    I love this piece! Wonderful colours and textures :)

  34. beautiful picture. I love the colours and textures. Its making we feel very warm in a really soggy London. Especially as my boy is away on a 3 day outdoor adventure camp. Hope you feel better soon. We all have days like that, but doesn't make them any easier to deal with!

  35. such pretty , inspiring colors.
    i hope you find your happy place.

  36. What a beautiful work of art!! the colours are wonderful!

  37. what a beautiful piece! I love idea that you have been able to travel to a different place--literally, Mexico; and figuratively, out from a funk--through making.

  38. This is SO special Kristi! Absolutely gorgeous! I love every single stitch and fabric you chose :-) Count me in!
