Thursday, February 23, 2012

texture in purple

purple texture

purple texture

some wonderfully bumpy seaweed spotted on the beach the other day, a chilly walk i took just after the cast came off. there is such incredible colour along the shore, often made all the brighter by the grey sky overhead. and a little peek at my skirt-in-progress, purple upon purple. inspired by alabama but using my own skirt pattern and feather stencils.


i decided to celebrate my cast coming off by getting a terrible head cold, so you'll have to forgive me if this post is not coherent. i'm settling in for a night on the couch with my man. black bean soup is bubbling on the stove, to be topped with crunchy sautéed polenta cubes, avocado, maybe a spoonful of salsa. hopefully that will warm these chilly bones. they're forecasting snow for tomorrow. snow! we've barely had a winter, and it certainly seemed recently like spring was elbowing its way in, gaining ground without giving any back. but the snow will be bookended with rain on both sides, and a gale wind too. a miserable day to head into the weekend. i hope your week is capping off well!


  1. Oh my goodness, I love your stitching. I really want to try some of Alabama's techniques and I just haven't gotten it together yet. And, I love the seaweed too. We don't have such colorful specimens here in Alaska.

  2. beautiful colours indeed ! hope a great snowy day !!!

  3. big snow storm here today k
    wish we could hang out , drink cups of homemade
    lemon chicken soup with fresh coriander and stitch together.

  4. Well, it's raining here (Fraser Valley) now, but they are threatening us with snow later tonight. I hope you are feeling better. Curling up on the couch with a good book and a good man with the wind whistling around the eaves is a wonderful way to spend an evening. Not to mention the soup!

  5. WOW what amazing colours nature makes (and inspires us ...!)
    Great your cast has come of .... too bad you've got a cold now .... :-(
    Hope all is better soon!

  6. luscious colors for a grey day. yay for being a cast-less woman!

  7. Great colors. Soup sounds yummy. Get yourself well soon!

  8. ooohhh, I can't wait to see what you are stitching. Looks similar to the reverse applique I've seen in the alabama stitch book? Is the link you posted one and the same with that series of books?

    I hope you feel better soon...glad your cast is off though!

  9. Amazing your stitchery and the colors are beautiful. I am always in awe how you integrate your surroundings into your art. Oh, I would love to see the finished project!


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