Tuesday, February 07, 2012

sunshine in february...

a gathering of gulls

sunny sunday walk

february in the strait

the strait

me by the sea

a short spell of sunny days ran over this weekend. today will be the last one i think, before a stretch of rain clouds and grey skies. it has in general been a much milder winter than they originally predicted, but still it felt wonderful to wander the shore with jacket unzipped and soak in the late afternoon sun. i walked farther around the point than i had before, finding a new pocket of rocky beach where i was all by myself, away from the other sunday wanderers. while the strait itself was curiously quiet, no barges aiming south behind chugging tugboats, the air traffic coming in to the airport and military base kept a regular rhythm above. a fighter jet coming in to land directly over my head made my ears protest wildly for an achingly long stretch of seconds. but thankfully it was just that, seconds, and most of my walk was just the scrape of rocks below my feet, gulls conversing together, a heron croakily protesting after being spurred off its rock by approaching kayakers, and soft voices of other walkers carried over the water. i hope you had some moments of peace this weekend.


>>> just two more weeks till my cast comes off! (i'm saying 'just' to try and convince myself that isn't still FOREVER) but i am improving a lot and trying out my hand at more sewing. i have been trying to make some whales, but they are fiddly so the going is slow. as an attempt at 'cross-training', i also tried to do a bit of knitting yesterday, but that was not particularly successful. it'll come though, i know. my patience is waning though.  (patience? ha! when have i ever had any of that?!)

>>> thanks to all who entered my giveaway. a winner has now been announced, but if it wasn't you stay tuned for more giveaways soon.


  1. i like that top photo with the foggy distance and the rocky shore. really cool.

    2 weeks is nothing, right? i have zero patience as well, so all i can do is lie to you ;)

  2. Rendell8:31 p.m.

    Beautiful pictures, I am missing the Northwest and the opportunity for the giveaway...next time. Glad to hear you are healing.

  3. Rendell8:32 p.m.

    Beautiful pictures, I am missing the Northwest and the opportunity for the giveaway...next time. Glad to hear you are healing.

  4. yes! it was such a beautiful weekend (here too!)

  5. such gorgeous photography k


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