Friday, February 10, 2012

into the mystic...

winding path

in the mist

disappearing distance


the other day i took a short walk along the river in the fog. the mist gets into your bones, chills all the way through. but it's peaceful, dampening the sounds of the traffic. the world pares down into a simple colour palette, and all that exists is just what you can see.


it's a quiet, rainy friday night. A is working late. i'm trying to make some actual progress on a custom minke whale for someone who has been waiting far too long because of my injury. when i get frustrated with it, i turn to my pens and pencils. the sketchbook project seems to have done what i hoped, keeping me interested in drawing even after i mailed off my book.


other things:
• this edamame arugula dip looks fantastic. or if you're looking for a sweeter treat, check out Annie's haystacks.
• a recent trip to a mall reminded me that mass-produced clothes just doesn't do it for me anymore. i need to get back to sewing more of my own. i think this dress pattern from wiksten might be first on the list.
• tensions regarding the northern gateway pipeline are continuing to ramp up around here. this short film in particular brought tears to my eyes. i'm also looking forward to this upcoming film from woodshed films and patagonia.


  1. Not two minutes before I read this I was listening to "into the mystic". It's a cold cold night here, I'm sewing by the fire, and taking a break to shake some of the stiffness out of my fingers.

    That first photo should be in poster size, k. Beautiful.

    And I'm with you on the mass-produced clothes. Everything in my price range is polyester and flimsy. I picked up a big cotton dropcloth the other day, 9 x 12, and it looks just like linen. It made me think about trying to make a tunic out of it. We'll see.

  2. Rendell7:16 p.m.

    I love all of your images, they capture this wonderful Northwest in which we live. I am away in the dry arid lands of Texas right now, but have ordered dress patterns to be waiting for me when I arrive back to Vancouver. I loved the film and preview. Hope the wrist is healing.

  3. love all that misty goodness--esp the one with the black railing.

    i hope you get that pattern--would love to see what fabric you choose, and the whole process :)

  4. i love van the man morrison


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