Friday, February 17, 2012

hold on...

moonglow anemone

moonglow anemone

moonglow anemone

grab hold

on a beach walk last Monday, the low low tide meant carefully navigating the shore to avoid stepping on moonglow sea anemones barely visible in the sand, tucked up tight against the air. but here and there in shallow pools they would unfurl their vibrant tentacles and wave gently underwater. i love that one at the top just poking out, its stalk coated in a sort of broken shell mosaic of armour. i reached in to touch one, gently, and was rewarded with an equally gentle but firm grip, testing me out, holding on.


i think 2012 has it out for me. only a month and a half in, but it seems like unpleasant and uncontrollable things keep happening to me and all i can do is hold on and hope it gets better soon. i'm trying not to complain, but it's all a bit exhausting, and, as it turns out, expensive. without getting into too much detail, last night i picked up my truck at the mechanic's after three days of waiting, and paid three times what it should have cost putting new rear brakes on my truck, due to snowballing parts problems, not to mention the ongoing rust problem. (never ever buy a vehicle that spent a few years on the salty winter roads of the east and then was brought out to the rainy west = rust city).

but we're heading in to the weekend, thankfully. we're having dinner with family tonight, and i get to play with all four of my niece-phews, who i don't get to see nearly often enough. i'm hoping to get out sometime in between the rain drops tomorrow and pick some of the stinging nettles starting to pop up. despite the grey skies, spring does seem to be making inroads. i made a pretty good start on sewing a new alabama chanin-inspired skirt last night, and a few pieces for the shop are slowly taking shape. and - fingers crossed - my cast and pins are being removed on tuesday.

what are you up to this weekend?


  1. I know all about unexpected truck bills. I had to take mine in while away from home (so I could get home...). Fortunately, I was in the town I had moved from, so my old mechanic fit me in. Still, it was an unexpected hit to the budget...

    And Hooray for your pins and plates coming out! You should keep them and make a wind chime or something out of them. Your salt air won't hurt them!!

  2. Well let's hope the bad things are done walloping you for a while. Love the pics, sea anemones in the sand are our favourites (unless we can find some gunnels or eels under the rocks).

    This week-end is for knitting and walking, I think!

  3. I love the photos and I hope things start looking up for you soon.

  4. I know exactly what you mean. It seems so far like 2012 has been full of too many unpleasant surprises. Hopefully this will change with the season as Springtime draws near--fingers crossed.


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