Sunday, February 19, 2012


northern right whale

northern right whale

a burly fellow took shape yesterday, a true beast of a whale. this northern right whale seems like a fairly content cetacean, comfortable in his formidable form. his body is all dark denim, with a patchwork of linen on his belly and large callosities growing on his head. right whales were originally so named because whalers thought they were the "right" ones to hunt, due to their high blubber content, not to mention floating after being killed and usually staying near shore. thankfully nowadays these whales are more "right" for enjoyment in just watching as they swim the coastal waters. this particular fellow may want to dip and dive offshore, but i'll have to break it to him that he is just right for appreciating the water from the comfort of a cosy home. he will be available soon.


A and i went for an exploratory walk this morning with a friend and her pup, up and over and through the moss-drenched woods. there were a couple waterfalls that we don't normally see in the warmer months, or at that time are barely a trickle. in the dry months this area is good for rock climbing under the shade of the evergreens. today the water flowed freely over mossy bluffs, dripping off all overhangs in the rock. the trail as tricky to navigate in spots, steep and soft underfoot. i felt like a bit of any old lady with two people "spotting" me as i made my way along the rougher areas, making sure i didn't slip and land on my arm. there were certainly places where i had to use my good arm for support or with a firm grip on a tree root as i inched my way back down after we climbed high above the lake below. it was wonderfully peaceful in the woods, with friends, and an energetic lab running to and fro. my friend snapped this shot of me admiring one of the falls.

i know i promised you eagle pics today, but i wanted to share the new whale. tomorrow, i promise!



  1. I just love your whales...

  2. He's so wonderful, k.

    And what a spectacular place to walk. I envy you, your view.

    Have a good week.

  3. I love the forest at this time of year, and all the voluntary waterfalls.


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