Tuesday, January 03, 2012


Socked in

this was my view yesterday, perched halfway down one of the ski runs. the morning had been beautiful, golden sun glinting through the trees as four of us carved our way down the runs and then up again on the lifts. the last of the holiday crowds were still there, but thankfully not too bad. just as we got set to head in for lunch at the pub, gentle snow began to fall in a quickening wind. a greasy bowl of poutine heavy in my belly (a great start to new year's healthy eating, right?), we started back out in what was now a snowstorm. just to examine the full extent of conditions, we took a lift to the very top of the mountain, and were rewarded with freezing wind and snow like ice pellets drumming our faces. i stopped to take this shot as I hid from the gusts, the cold giving me the feeling of an ice-cream headache in the little gap it found between my goggles and my toque and helmet. still, the fresh layer blanketing the morning's tracks was enticing. our friends had to leave after that first after-lunch run, but A and i planned a few more, although we eyed more sheltered slopes away from the wind.

our next run seemed mostly uneventful. A is much more adventurous (and skilled) than me, darting in and out of trees and racing down slopes. i'm five seasons into this sport, but i still generally stick to the groomers, and while i love a bit of speed when i'm comfortable, i take extra care around other riders, especially little ones. why am i telling you all this? well as i finished up this run, slowing down considerably as i neared the maze of safety nets in front of the lifts, a young rider appeared abruptly on my blind side and cut across my board. there wasn't a real "collision", but he did contact me a little and interrupt my course as he came up from behind (as the rider in front, i have the right of way). i of course was concerned about him getting hurt, so i did my best not to knock him over. but to that end I did an awkward spin away from him and as he zoomed off without a care i crashed ungracefully to the ground, landing hard on my left wrist and yowling in pain. A saw the whole affair and was at my side quickly as i cried and whined and tried not to vomit from the pain. yes, an obviously stoic display of bravery and composure. a quick walk down to the lodge and he gently examined the fast-swelling joint (he is a well-qualified first aider and outdoor instructor). he pronounced that a hospital visit was in order, but i'm glad that we decided to first drive to the ski patrol hut where they splinted me up and greatly reduced my pain by immobilizing my arm. especially when considering the half hour drive and subsequent 3+ hour wait before i saw a physician.

anyway, i hadn't meant to make this into an epic. suffice to say my left wrist is broken
(first broken bone in all my klutzy 32 years!), so awkwardly in fact that they put me out briefly to reset it. and while the doctor was pleased with the "after" x-ray, i have to see the orthopedic surgeon in a week to check that things are healing in the right way and that i won't require surgery to correct anything. thankfully i am right handed, but this will still put a bit of a kink in my hopes to get 2012 off to a full start with lots of stitching and new pieces for the shop. i'm currently not sure when i'll feel up to that. i hope you'll bear with me!

trying to look at the positive side - i can still wield my camera (i think), and i can certainly still draw. this is good because my sketchbook still has lots of blank pages and i am running out of time in which to finish it. since i can't sew or draw right now, i will be forced to make some progress!

here's hoping your 2012 is off to a better start than mine. :)


  1. poor you!
    Breaks are just so not funny.
    You have my sympathy, at least yours has a good story attached. I only slipped on the icy decking when I broke my ankle.
    Hope its not too painful and heals quickly.

  2. Reading the first sentences I thought : "sigh" we're not skiing any more, my knees won't hold out, so sorry ....
    But thén I read about your broken wrist OUCH! I knów that hurts! Broke mine (also left and right handed) two years ago (silly slip in a shop)
    After some time doing nothing (and almost up the wall) the only thing I could do was ... carving stamps like Geninne has shown in her tutorial !!!
    Wish you all the best ánd some patience ....

  3. Anonymous2:20 p.m.

    Oh K! What a bummer:( That truly stinks!!! I am glad you still have your good hand (so to speak)...I was an OR nurse for 15 years, and saw MANY fractures! Hopefully, you will heal well, and NOT need further treatment! I hope you are somewhat comfortable, and it is not TOO painful! Sending you a hug..and if I could, a pot of homemade soup to warm you!!!!!

  4. Ah, the boarder's injury! At least, it seems that way among the boarders I know, many of them have broken their wrists. I too am always cautious up there among the smaller skiers and boarders, and have come close to your predicament, so I sympathise!

    Hope you heal well!!

  5. i hope it heals really quickly!!

  6. So sorry about your accident! Get well soon! All of us out here in Cyberville trust that you'll be stockpiling your ideas until you're actually able to see them to fruition. Until then, mend well!

  7. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  8. OMG!
    (would you feel better to know the engine seized in my truck after a short drive home from our NYE party--an engine that was just installed last winter--and im stuck at home while we try to figure out what to do..?)

    take care of your wrist so it heals. its definitely sketch time!

  9. Oh k, that bites! It must be a bad break if they had to put you out to set it. I like that you are looking on the positive side and have your sketchbook to fill.

  10. I'm beginning to take the approach that if it starts off crappy (for me it was my mom in the hospital and having to put down an elk with cancer), then the rest of the year has nowhere to go but up. I hope like hell I'm right about that!

    Sorry to hear about your wrist but glad you can still take photos and draw...here's hoping for a fast mend!

  11. Girl... such a huge bummer!
    Sending you lots of healing thoughts!

    It might cheer you up to know that Fionna now takes her skate and wonderful mermaid purse everywhere. She even sleeps with it at her bedside. To say she loves it is an understatement! Thank you!

  12. what a bummer! i can't believe you could type all that one-handed. best healing to you. and your sketchbook is looking wonderful. whales in the trees...yes!

  13. K, I'm so sorry! Still trying to catch up with being away and I didn't realize you had this accident. I read through and saw that you later had surgery too. I hope it was all a huge success and that you're feeling better and will get to back to normal soon. At least you're right handed, so not completely out of action.
    Looking back over these posts gave my eyes a treat, your photos are just stunning, what a wonderful part of the world you live in.
    PS, I thought of your wonderful sculptures when we went whale watching during our trip to Calif over Christmas.


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