Thursday, January 12, 2012



you're probably sick of all my wallowing. if so, best to just skip this post.

feeling very sluggish today, back at the beginning of the healing process all over again. my throat is sore since they had to intubate me during surgery. they gave me a cocktail of pain meds during and after surgery yesterday so in the evening i returned home and kept nodding off under a cloud of sorts, once i'd tried to scrub the dry coating from my mouth, and inhaled some easy food after not eating for nearly 24 hours. i slept fairly well, and A whispered in my ear before leaving for work that he had loosened the cap on the tylenol 3s since the childproof cap would be tricky with one hand. sweet man. but today i am having trouble keeping the pain at bay, even with the t3s. i know rest is the best thing right now, but i am no good at doing nothing. just gives me time to focus on the bad. it'll get better i know; i just need to climb a little mountain first.


let's look at good things instead:
>>> this blanket/scarf/wrap from wood wood looks gorgeously cozy. would be perfect in this cold weather as none of my sweaters fit over my bandaged arm.
>>> these pecan biscuits sound amazing, especially topped with the garlic herb confit.
>>> loving kristin's recent snow shots and hoping we might get a little of our own white stuff here this weekend.


  1. So sorry indeed to here this news. I am sure by now you are tired of the standard "get well soons", but truly, know that you have extra wishes of that coming to you from Washington! Glad at least to hear that you have someone by you thoughtful enough to loosen the tylenol cap. :)

  2. Anonymous5:57 p.m.

    Poor sweet girl...I KNOW how hard it is to be DOWN like that! It sucks..pain, and just not being able to do CRAP really stinks! I thought about you today, and I am glad this is over..every day will be better..Just close your eyes, and try to sleep....Stay strong..

  3. as the others have already said. my first was Awww, I want to help my little sis feel better. And yes, everyday now should get better. try to get some reading done and dream of so creatures of the sea that call to you. oh yeah, make sure to have prunes or similar, cause those t3s can do bad things;)

  4. Thinking about you, k.

  5. Poor you, hoping you start feeling better, I knwo what you mean by not being able to do nothing. I hate doing nothing. Even when I have a migrane headache, unless I fall asleep I need to be stitching or knitting. Otherwise all you can think about is the pain and it sort of overwhelms you. Don't let that happen to you, xo

  6. Anonymous9:45 p.m.

    Lots of ♥ and x and o. You are on the mend now, but I know it is hard to be patient - V

  7. Anonymous10:55 p.m.

    Christine S says: The sun will shine again and you will heal...Music and good movies help. Take good care of yourself. This reflective time will enrich you as an artist.

  8. Anonymous12:51 a.m.

    I know it's hard not to be able to make things with your hands when you're always active & crafty. But like in the last comment someone left, you can use that time for reflection, maybe for browsing inspiration bits you may have piled up, or for watching a nature DVD or show that could inspire you.
    I know I'm not in your shoes, so I hate to be the advice giver. I just try to see the good in the bad.
    I really keep you in my thoughts & send you all the healing thoughts I can send right now. oxoxo

  9. Anonymous2:35 a.m.

    Hello, I just found your blog so I'm having to backtrack about your surgery (read,read,read) and hope you recover quickly.
    I'm from the Northwest coast so I LOVE the images on your blog even though they make me a wee bit homesick. I'll definately be back again!

  10. wish we lived close by and i could come over and bring you some warm food and company.
    looking at your link reminded me of this lovely item at toast. I ordered a few sale items from them for the first time and the delivery was really fast.

  11. Rendell5:32 a.m.

    I hope you will feel better each day in every way.

  12. Do you have anyone who can check in on you? I remember when I had my knee surgery, it was difficult to cope at times, and having a visitor to help fix me lunch and spend a little time with me was such a god-send. Pain is hard to deal with. It's easy to think that you'll get through it before you have it (the surgery), but I remember having low points of just wanting not to feel in pain and/or gross for all the meds anymore. Hang in there! And I hope you feel better soon!

  13. Hello I got nominated for a liebster award and as part of the rules I need to pass it on to 5 other blogs so I decided to choose yours as one of the 5.
    I just love all your gorgeous artwork. I live on Vancouver Island so i love the west coast vibe.
    I'll link the rules below

  14. each day will make you nearer the top of your mountain,keep it in mind....

  15. Hang in there, pain just sucks.

    The snow seems to be obliging anyhow!

  16. I am so sorry that you are in pain. Yes, it will pass, but that's really no comfort in the middle of it! I have damaged my right wrist as well, but it is nowhere near as bad as yours. I've been learning what my left hand can do.

    Get plenty of rest and get better soon.


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