Friday, January 06, 2012


new pages 3

new pages 4

new pages 5

some recent progress on my sketchbook for the sketchbook project, done over the last couple of weeks. yeah, i really need to speed it up, since there are quite a few more blank pages than completed ones, and it needs to be mailed back by january 31. i was left productive than hoped for this week, frustrated by the inactivity but also unable to focus due to discomfort and pain. i know, i know. if you're asking, i would love some cheese with my whine. plus actual wine. thanks. anyway, definitely a project for what looks to be a wet, wet weekend.

while my initial pages incorporate a bit of stitching, the most recent ones are nearly all just pen and coloured pencil. i'm not sure if i will bring the stitching back in (and not just because stitching is a little tricky right now). while fabric and thread tends to be my usual medium, i am enjoying just focusing on the drawing. there is a bit of a narrative weaving through, of the explorations of my little selkie woman and the creatures around her, although i am only really thinking about one page at a time so i'm not sure it makes any sense.

and after a little bit my pen wandered off the page and found a new medium. hopefully this whale will share a bit of its good magic with me. and perhaps with you too. wishing you all a good weekend.

a whale to come with me


  1. Love the cast art!so very you, K. and I see definate continuity in the theme of your sketches.

  2. Now you just need colored sharpee pens to make your whale swim!!

    Love the sketches, and really like the whale cast!

  3. Love your "mermaid" sketches (?)
    Aaaah só sorry, hope it heals okay.
    But I adore that whale on the cast !

  4. Rendell8:31 p.m.

    You are so much further along in your sketchbook than I am in mine...only one blind contour of my right hand...and Ido not have a broken wrist, although if I had broken my left wrist I would have a really good excuse as I am left-handed...I hope the pain is subsiding and you are healing. No. 2 Spirit Bear and I are thinking about you.(I still owe you a picture of him in his new city surroundings.)

  5. Oh, the sketches are wonderful! I love the idea of focusing on the selkie being drawn to the land to explore the unknown (it seems like all the stories focus more on her pining for the sea, the known/familiar). Just a whole new spin on a creature I love.

    I hope your wrist heals up well.

  6. Lovin' that whale!
    Your sketches are so detailed. I need to show these to Dylan tomorrow. He loves to draw... he will love these.
    Have you seen the movie The Secret of Roan Inish? Such a great selkie story.

  7. oh I would be making the life of those around me a misery with complaining, so you seem to be doing pretty well :) The sketches are looking great.


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