Monday, January 30, 2012

hearts of the ocean

hearts of the ocean?

love at the beach

hearts of the ocean?

i managed to get a little stitching done this weekend! it was frustrating and slow, but i started small and happily i ended up with a couple items i quite like. in honour of that little holiday coming up (let's be honest, my love for it centres around the chocolate), i tweaked my starfish rocks to be a bit more love-centric. heart shaped rocks stitched in soft grey wool, with a pink linen sea star holding firmly on. a sweet piece to gift to someone whose heart is with the sea, or to commemorate your own ocean love. they are in the shop now.

i took these heart rocks down for a beach walk today. it wasn't as cold as saturday, although threatening clouds hovered above and a sloppy southeast chop rolled into shore. only a few people passed me along the way, but a large crew of eagles soared overhead trailed by a mess of gulls. i hiked up a winding staircase above the spit to get a different view, and was rewarded when a pair of eagles swooped past just metres in from of me. while at the beach the ocean showed me a little love too:


(please ignore the state of my hands - wearing a cast has somehow made my already dry winter skin so much worse and hard to keep happy)

and should you be curious about the reality of pink sea stars, here is a giant pink star (pisaster brevispinus) i spotted along the shore a couple months ago:

giant pink star

ETA: thanks to those lovely folks who snapped up these two hearts! if you might be interested in a heart rock, please let me know and i would be happy to make more; otherwise i might focus on some other things on my list first. and i know a few of you are waiting on custom orders - i haven't forgotten you! i'm just testing out how much i can sew right now, so i haven't tackled more difficult items (whales!) yet. thanks for your understanding.


  1. I'm jealous on the pink seastar spotting!

    This winter has been terrible on skin, in our house we are all suffering with bad skin.

    Love the love rocks :)

  2. these photographs just leave me breathless and in awe of your one handed talents

  3. Anonymous5:43 a.m.

    That pink seastar is amazing! I never saw anything like it! I just purchased a heart:)))) I will give it a good home:)Lovely always!-Michaelanne

  4. your work is so lovely... as always
    beautiful photos

  5. Love the heart rocks!!!

  6. these are wonderful k!
    i feel ya on the dry hands, i hope you can find a remedy to it :)
    nice to see you stitching, no matter how simple or complex it might be!

  7. Oh that pink star! I have never seen one so vibrant. The blues, purple and oranges are predominant here. I'm glad to see you're able to get some stitching done! And they are beautiful! You are an inspiration, you are.

  8. wow, that pink star is outrageous!

    do you think your hand has poor circulation now that it's in a cast?

    love the heart rocks: the grey with the pink is delicious.

  9. Anonymous2:01 p.m.

    Treat yourself with raw coconut oil, for eating, cooking (stabil in high heat), and for skin care! It works wonders! I shrank a not so good looking growth under my eye the doc wanted to cut out with daily applications! Great photos, great work!


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