Friday, January 20, 2012

friday flickr faves: snowfall edition

friday flickr faves

1. glassy chester creek, 2. bison 193, 3. -9 this morning...., 4. Untitled, 5. Untitled, 6. P4010156, 7. Untitled, 8. tikishla marsh @ 1pm, 9. horses, 10. Ptarmigan, 11. I Love Winter The Most, 12. It's A Winter Wonderland, 13. Snow Storm, 14. snow day, 15. clusters, 16. a winter coat


the snow was coming down heavily this morning, a fresh blanket on the ground covering yesterday's bird tracks but revealing a few night visitors, deer and raccoon paths meandering past the door. outside now is a winter wonderland... if you don't look too close. a squint of the eye reveals that it is pouring rain. the wind is beginning to pull at the trees, who will soon enough shake off their soggy white coats. in typical west coast fashion the snow will be washed away until another day, leaving us again with our perennial landscape of green and brown. so above is my little ode to the snow, our rare coastal visitor that too often disappears in a big slushy mess. hmphh.

be sure to click through and give the photographers some love! wishing you a happy weekend.


  1. Beautiful collection, k. We have the tiniest bit of snow at the moment but I think we are all ready for a really good snowfall. Looking at these photos makes me wish even harder for some snow.

  2. Anonymous5:41 p.m.

    I love your pictures and your writing style. V

  3. Anonymous9:51 a.m.

    Christine S says: Beautiful! Thank you. Stay warm and cozy and have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Anonymous8:50 a.m.

    Thanks for adding my little bit of Winter in there..:) Lovely collage!
    How are you feeling?? I hope better by the day. I can't leave comments on blogger today with my Open ID..It keeps saying word verification is wrong..sigh!! XO


Thanks for leaving a comment and know that I always enjoy reading them, even if I am not always able to reply in return.