Saturday, December 31, 2011

last day...

mossy bits

late afternoon through grasses

lichen on tree bark

sun dappled

through a window

these shots were taken on a christmas day walk with A and my mom. despite heavy rain in the morning, there was a beautiful spot of weather late that afternoon. a chance to stretch the legs and breath the fresh air after too much food and a stormy indoor christmas eve.


so here we are. last day of 2011. huh. i kind of ran out things to say after that. i feel like i'm finishing the year off on kind of a "meh" note. sorry to be such a terminal grouch. we shall see what tomorrow brings.

however...i would like to thank you for your support and encouragement, and most certainly your inspiration this past year. thank you to all you shining lights on the interwebs, and a few of you i get to know in real life! wishing you a rich and prosperous (and i don't mean money-wise) 2012.


  1. it's certainly alright to end on a "meh" note! makes the rest of us feel normal, too. ;)
    i'm feeling like this next year is going to be So Much Better as i focus on being a stay-at-home mom who actually cooks a few dinners. that's my goal. cheers from under the snow!!

  2. Anonymous3:54 p.m.

    I have truly enjoyed sharing in your day to day beautiful strolls along the beach..walks in the woods..and your inspiring creativity this past year!! May 2012 bring you peace and Happiness! Looking forward to sharing this coming year with you! XXXXOOOOO

  3. Happy New Year to you! A whole year for listening and observing what is surrounding us wherever we live on Earth: a huge program!!

  4. Happy New Year, K. Hey, sometimes we just feel a bit meh. much love...

  5. Happy new Year, k! I'm glad I found this place where you and your creations shine your light.


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