Tuesday, November 29, 2011

autumn sunshine

autumn sunshine

today is another grey day with rain and wind in the forecast, much like many other november days. mother nature has been giving us little reprieves here and there though, spots of sunshine interspersed between storms. the above photos were taken a couple weeks ago, but we had a similar bit of sunshine yesterday and A and i went for a walk in the same spot. a long stretch of shoreline stretching out into the bay, eyes low against the bright sun and searching for treasures nestled amongst the rocks and sand, including a giant pink sea star, which i had never seen before. a friend suggested i should make some sea stars that are bean bags, so they can be draped over things like a real starfish would cling to something. a large star like the pink sea star might be perfect for that. what do you think?


  1. I love the colours in these shots!

  2. Wow--these are beautiful images...

  3. A beanbag starfish that could drape over rocks etc.? I think you absolutely MUST!

  4. I think the bean bag star fish sounds geat! bet they would look just like real starfish xo

  5. Rendell7:14 p.m.

    I think a bean bag sea star is a wonderful idea.

  6. what a lucky find! a drapeable star is genius!

  7. i love these images
    and a sand bag star fish would be great

  8. k, I think the bean bag starfish is a brilliant idea!

  9. Ah, your images warm my soul. Lovely!


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