Saturday, November 12, 2011

that light...

heavy sky

high tide

more seaweed rainbows

well after i wrote yesterday's post, i was perusing the marine forecast, as i regularly do. it's a habit ingrained by years of being around both my salty dog father and the maritime life we were raised in. anyway - i noticed that besides the gale warning in place for those gusty northwest winds (which didn't amount to much here in the end, although it sounds like farther south there was some big action) there was a waterspout watch in effect. what? yeah, exactly. waterspouts are not something i'd ever heard of around here, but apparently one had been spotted in the strait not far from here, and there was a watch in effect for the next couple hours. consider my curiosity peaked, so A and i headed out to see what we could see.


more seaweed rainbows

as you may have guessed, we didn't see any waterspouts. in fact, the water was surprisingly calm, and the wind that was rattling at our house earlier seemed to have died off. one half of the sky was heavy with pregnant looking clouds, waiting for the moment to release their burdens. the other half was bright with sunshine, giving the sliver of high tide beach a sparkle and glow. it was good for a quiet little walk, just the two of us. the beach is still full of seaweed rainbows, although these ones seemed more bright and colourful than the last ones. the visibility in the water was incredible, allowing us to see sand rocks far out from shore. a few ducks bobbed here and there in the gentle swell. a good peaceful walk.


today is drizzly and dreary, just as one expects from november. but i'm doing my best to make it cosy inside. bread is rising, and cookies are in progress. i'm thinking of watching a favourite old movie (maybe this one? or this? or perhaps even this one?) and doing a bit of crafting or drawing. and i think a cup of tea is in order.

what are you up to today?


• i just discovered the work of adrian villar rojas, and the piece mi familia muerte has me spellbound.
• scout & catalogue's new shine collection is perfect - i think i have to have this bag.
• i think my ginger kick (see above cookies) will continue as the season progresses, quite possibly with this ginger spice cake from roost.


  1. As usual, beautiful photos, K. I love the extra intensity of the coastal skies at this time of year.

    Also, thanks for posting about Mi familia muerta...I'd never heard of this before and now I, like you, am spellbound.

  2. Anonymous7:20 a.m.

    Gorgeous photos this week! Your links are inspiring as well! My littles went home today..the house is quiet. Zach and I are going to catch up on some reading..and hope to get in a bit of sewing today too:) Enjoy your day!

  3. Anonymous7:21 a.m.

    Gorgeous photos this week! Your links are inspiring as well! My littles went home today..the house is quiet. Zach and I are going to catch up on some reading..and hope to get in a bit of sewing today too:) Enjoy your day!

  4. i am loving your seaweed shots. perhaps you can camp out and wait for a waterspout? it would be so worth it. do it for your fans!

    that whale in the woods is pretty spectacular. like a. goldsworthy on a whole new level


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