Saturday, November 26, 2011



ochre stars


tea and cookie

• reinventing an old pair of jeans with some unfortunate holes into something new. heavily inspired by traditional japanese boro fabrics.
• finishing up some custom orders, including a "shore fragments" ochre stars piece.
• thought several times about a walk to see the wild waves at the seashore, but each time the wind and rain outside made the warm house seem that much more inviting.
• instead, melted chocolate to make a modified (read: less sugar, added whole wheat, walnuts, ground flax & hemp seeds) version of these chocolate espresso cookies
• and enjoyed those cookies with a warm mug of tea.
• looking forward to going out to dinner with friends in a little bit, to celebrate A's 30th birthday (tomorrow). mmmmm, fresh margaritas and mexican tastiness.
• unfortunately, A has to work all day on his birthday, so I may head to my parents' to bake traditional danish brunkager with my mom.
• then back home for an evening outing to the banff film festival world tour.

what are you up to?


  1. tending to a sick kitty cat (edgar), decorating the porch with freshly foraged greens and berries, thinking about making christmas cards and working on some handmade gifts.

  2. Anonymous5:41 a.m.

    It sounds just perfect! I worked, I hope to also forage some fresh greenery and make wreaths with Zach..and maybe sneak in some baking too:) I just LOVE that sneak peek of the piece you are working on!! Beautiful:)

  3. Hmm, Saturday? Swimming lessons, lip balm making followed by a nice dinner out. Love the mending for your jeans, k. I have a pair of jeans with both knees missing but I love those jeans. I think I need to learn how to patch jeans. Wish I could make them look as pretty as yours. :0)

  4. Sounds like you had a fab Saturday. I love the repair you did on your jeans!

  5. Love your jeans! I've done something similar to my little ones jeans (which needs mending all the time) - it's just so darn hard on the fingers. I end up bleeding from all fingertips.


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