Tuesday, November 01, 2011

November desktop calendar...

a new desktop calendar to start off the month (click on the photo to download). wow, november? ours came in quite chilly after a clear all hallows eve. first morning i've had to scrape my car windows this year. tonight the clouds are moving in and another southeaster will blow, much as i'm sure it will most of this month. but our house will be nice and warm as some friends come over to watch the hockey game and eat appies and drink beer. i made stuffed mushrooms (cream cheese/walnuts/apples) and potstickers filled with red lentils & red pepper. i'll let you know if they are any good (haven't cooked either yet). i think they will go well with the other treats being brought. hope you're staying warm and dry tonight!


ETA: yum! the potstickers were inspired by Heidi's recipe, but i used red lentils spiced with red chilies, cumin & paprika, plus some finely chopped bell pepper as the filling. i also used wonton wrappers, which i think are smaller than the potsticker wrappers she used (and square), but they perfect little bite-sized morsels. now i'm imagining all the other fillings i could put in potstickers.

the mushrooms were awesome too - literally what i said above: i mixed up light cream cheese with chopped walnuts, apple, the mushroom stems, garlic, and a bit of salt & pepper. spoon into the mushroom caps (i used creminis) and bake. i never tire of coming up with new flavours for stuffed mushrooms. i suspect these would be fantastic with some prosciutto added in too (pork + apples + mushrooms + nuts = awesome), but i was making everything vegetarian in accordance with the company last night.

>>>>also - please let me know if the calendar looks a little lackluster when you use it. the colours are very bright and vibrant when i posted the image to flickr, but here on the blog it seems quite a bit dulled. is it just me?


  1. Great night to have friends over to watch a great hockey game :)

    We've been scraping the car for a week or so, not every morning but most of the clear ones.

    Lovely calendar page.

  2. Anonymous6:19 a.m.

    I can't believe NOVEMBER is here!!! Have a good time..Your snacks sound GREAT!

  3. your dinner sounds delicious! thanks for the new desktop, i really enjoyed using the October one :)

  4. today, Nov. 2nd, and I was watching a dragonfly, and then it hit me, it is Nov.!!! I worked in my garden for a bit too.
    I liked the calendar page. Wish I could try those yummy sounding treats you are making.

  5. i love this calendar. the dark colors are so fitting for my mood right now. you are right that it seems more muted than the flickr post (which is strange), but it is still beautiful and soothing. thank you!


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