Monday, November 14, 2011

light and dark...

seed pods

sun through the grasses

i think most of the time i'm pretty good at getting my exposures in the right range; maybe not perfect, but not bad. 90% of the time i am in full manual mode too, and i am settling in to the particular sweet spots of my current camera. but nonetheless, sometimes i am not paying attention or playing around, and i come home with a couple shots like the ones above, the first so very overexposed, and the second under (not helped by shooting directly at the sun). and i love them both! the top photo is so dreamily bleached out, faded and washed like a bright prairie afternoon - perfect for the colourless simplicity i'm liking right now. and the second, almost like a dark moonlit night through the grasses, over saturated blue sky and silhouettes. anyway, sometimes things work out when you step outside the "correct" exposure. happy accidents.

well, it's a start.

and i'm finally making some strides on my sketchbook. a bit of stitching and a lot of pencil drawing. i'm not sure about colour or ink yet - i cling comfortably to pencil when drawing, unlike all the colours i embrace when doing other crafts - but i imagine there will still be some additional work on this page. however, i'm on to the next while i think about it. back to it now, as a matter of fact...


  1. i love happy accidents

  2. Anonymous5:16 a.m.

    Beautiful work K! You are a woman of MANY talents:) I just love your creativity...

  3. I love the bleached out look too!
    I am delighted with your sketchbook , great work! Keen to see more!

  4. Just found you through Margie Oomen's blog. Love all your photos. I plan to visit again!

  5. I never would have thought the first two photos were accidents, k. Beautiful and calming.


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