Friday, October 07, 2011

friday flickr favourites

friday flickr favourites

1. golden rays, 2. 26/9.2011 -, 3. rainbow carrots, 4. Winter Dawn, Bishop, California, 5. pebble color wheel, 6. a colorful giveaway, 7. 17 carol, 8. urchin collection, 9. The Festival of Quilts 2009, 10. sunset in the window, 11. radishes are just plain pretty, 12. peace, 13. coprinus micaceus with pholiota aurivella, 14. YIP 365.25 :: Yellow and gray , 15. Untitled, 16. rainbow rocks

as always, please go check out the lovely photos and the folks behind the camera who have taken the shots in this mosaic!


sorry i've been mostly quiet this week. i have a few new stitched creatures to share (and update the shop with!) but the light has been miserable this week for photographs (dark sooner, plus rain). canadian thanksgiving is this weekend and i've got some events planned with friends, but i do plan to put quite a few things into the shop tomorrow. i'll be adding the last two natural dyed urchins plus a few swimmers. if there is anything in particular you are hoping for as you get into gift planning for the upcoming season, please send me an email at fogandswell [at] gmail [dot] com.

i'd also like to share my pieces that will be appearing in the plush you show starting next friday! in the next few days, i promise. just a reminder that i will also be heading to Seattle for the opening, so I hope to see you there if you live in the area. part of our plans for this weekend involve heading up into the mountains as well, not camping but staying in a cosy chalet with a group. i hope to get out with my camera for a hike and capture autumn in the alpine, always a favourite of mine.

wishing you all a happy weekend, whether you have a long one for thanksgiving or not. last night i started stitching on something completely new, and actually in a similar colour scheme as is seen above. trying some things to combine natural dyed fabrics and other natural materials. i hope it will be worthy to share soon.


  1. these colors would definitely get me in a thanksgiving mood! happy thanksgiving next week.

  2. Anonymous6:09 p.m.

    Wow...amazing mosaic! you have an incredible gift for seeing color tones and values! I can't believe I missed this on Flickr! but...all the more reason to visit you here! I will look forward to your shop update..soon, one of your little gems will live with me!! Happy Thanksgiving K!!!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! We will be out in one of the local parks for the week-end (in a borrowed trailer).

    Those colours are similar to the yarn I used for my helix scarf - I love them.

  4. Great mosaic, I have loved seeing these colours on my walks recently. I know what you mean about the fading light, it seems such a shame. This weekend promises sunny blue skies for us, I hope you get some sunshine too! Happy Thankgiving!

  5. Beautiful mosaic! These colors make me happy. And they make me think of shorter days.


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