Friday, October 28, 2011

friday flickr faves: waning autumn edition

friday flickr faves

1. Untitled, 2. Untitled, 3. East Fork Valley_Q2E9198, 4. autumn walk no.8, 5. Rosewall Creek - Fall study 2, 6. wind and rain, 7. flammulina velutipes, 8. Untitled, 9. Fall Creek Leaves, 10. Autumn color week: : Orange, 11. A blustery day..., 12. Bits of Light, 13. another one, further along., 14. Untitled, 15. Supper, 16. Untitled


hope these lovely shots inspire you to do a little autumn exploring this weekend, a breath of fresh air and a little admiration of nature as it continues to close up shop for winter. in exciting news, my new mac arrived yesterday, so i promise there will be new original content this weekend! i know! just need to finish installing all my software so i can sort through my raw photo files and share some of my life in the last week or so. several walks in forest and at the beach, including one where i brought a pod of whales along; some birthday crafting for my favourite little girl; lots of birds at the feeder, and some new stitching for the shop. i hope you'll come back tomorrow!

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