Tuesday, September 13, 2011

just like that

acorn bunch

fallen treasures

that light

it's fall. yesterday was hot and sunny; today, well it's not. today it is 10 degrees cooler, overcast. a bit of heavy mist/drizzle fell this morning. the first two weeks of september have been probably the best weather we have had all summer, but it was bound to make a shift at some point.

and apparently i don't need much encouragement to slip into that autumn state of mind. i wore a scarf today (albeit with a tank top) - one of my cool season staples. i'm roasting up some farmers market acorn squash and corn and peppers, to put into some sort of comforting coconut curry that i haven't worked out all the details for yet. i've turned on some nina and friends while i prep the food. and i'm contemplating cracking open that bottle of red that's been sitting most of the summer (i just can't do red wine in the hot months). lastly, how could i not check out buffy in her new tv show tonight? yes, i enjoy my tv, and the fall season is here.

what about you? are you ready for fall? what is your favourite part of it? (and don't think i'm not also scrutinizing the precipitation forecast and trying to determine the best day to head into the woods in search of the first mushrooms.)


  1. I have to admit, I love the beach in the fall. I was there yesterday with a friend and it was so lovely. Cool, crisp air, deserted beach. Perefect.

  2. I love most those first early weeks of autumn, as the air develops an irony tang and crunching through leaves releases that damp loamy (mushroomy!)smell. and chestnuts - to eat and to collect. Nina, red wine, darkening evenings - perfect!

  3. loads of shrooms in our forest right now

  4. Funny. Fall announced its arrival the first week of September -- cold, dreary and drizzly. Fortunately the sun started shining again late last week. The days are warm but the mornings and evenings are cool. Kind of perfect weather, actually. Excited to hear that someone else is excited about buffy's return. I recorded the show but haven't watched it yet.

  5. I just love the golden colours of the autumn leaves!

  6. Autumn has always been my favorite season (even in So Cal where there really aren't seasons). The crisp bite of the air, the muted, fantastic colors, and the relief from summer's heat.

    I'm glad it's here!

  7. Ah, glorious. I'm envious! I hear we may get some cooler weather next week, and I hope it is true. And that there is rain.

  8. Anonymous9:15 a.m.

    Lovely photos!! It is turning to Fall here too! We cleaned out the chimney today..I am working on a little hand quilting, and baking pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting! Tonite, I will join you having a glass of red wine, by our first indoor fire of the season, as it is supposed to get quite chilly!

  9. fall is my favorite because we have better weather in fall than in summer (less rain) and i did not know nina had her own website.

    i dont feel as bad about watching tv in the fall. why do i feel bad at all? because everyone around here is so sporty

  10. I love just everything about Fall :)


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