Saturday, August 06, 2011

rainforest fungi...

little cups

ah, sunny days in early august. the weather is looking beautiful for at least the next few days. a morning trip to the farmers market yielded a basket full of deliciousness, and the freezer is bulging with berries to last us well into the cold months. the full bounty of the season is upon us, and if i had more room for a big freezer or stacks of canning jars, i'd be putting by a lot more.

mossy coated polypores

but one bounty that this season isn't typically known for is mushrooms. in these dry summer months the fungi stay safely underground, waiting for the wetness of fall to burst forth. i've seen a few 'shrooms here and there, mostly the hardier polypores that cling to old trees year round, but mainly i'm waiting for autumn. however, our hike up into the temperate rainforest of the elk river valley found many more fungi, a treat for the eyes.


a herd of polypores

growing in the gap

the last time i hiked this trail was in october, and even though that was quite a few years ago, and i wasn't even that interested in mushrooms at the time, i remember noting the wide variety of shapes, sizes and colours, much more than we saw this time. makes me want to venture back there later this fall, or at least in the area. we didn't see any edibles this time (i think), but that doesn't mean they won't appear with a few fall rains. i hope to step up my foraging considerably this year from last, hopefully gathering more mushrooms than just for a couple nights of meals at a time, able to dehydrate some for later. but mushroom hunting is never a guarantee, so i'll be hopeful but see what presents itself. and i've already been spending some time with the 'shroom bible.

bumps on a log

little bumps

weekend plans? i feel like i keep talking about stitching; i promise soon there will be actually something to show for it (i hope!). maybe a bit of knitting on my cardigan, which is actually growing nicely, albeit in fits and spurts. and i MUST get at least one dye jar going today - where has the week gone? i hope yours has gone nicely, and you are enjoying the fruits of the season too. what are you up to today?


  1. Think you should make some fabric sculptures of some of these, they are amazing!

  2. The miracles of nature....I can imagine some of your beautiful stitcheries from these inspiring photos.

    Just new to visiting your blog, I was really taken with your whales and little seal.

    Jacky xox

  3. a trip to the farmers market and then a little paddle on a near by lake.
    finished off with visit down the street to an elderly house bound couple that i have adopted.
    not a bad day at all

  4. so envious of all the berries you have put away! i am so behind this year, i can't believe it is already august! i haven't done any wild harvesting which is unheard of for me, but one thing is for sure, I will most definitely be harvesting the elderberries and storing them for medicine and pies this winter!!! i wish we had the mycological bounty that i am sure you have out there on the west coast, too, such amazing things they are :)
    good luck and have fun

  5. mega shroom love!!!!
    Have you ever stitched any??

  6. que de belles photos c est superbe chez toi bisessssssssssssss

  7. Thank you for all this eye candy K! I LOVE mushrooms.


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