Monday, August 15, 2011

boats and docks...

still morning

if i mentioned this before, please just enjoy the photos. i have fond memories of childhood days spent with my dad down at the government wharf. he had an old converted fishing troller at the time, one of those old wooden boats requiring constant tinkering. i remember exploring the old docks as he worked, and then afterward he would often take me to mcdonald's for lunch (ah, the days when that sounded like a good treat!) or sometimes over to kmart and buy me a toy (i fondly remember a she-ra doll). as i got older my dad switched in to aquaculture as a profession and so i spent time in a rowboat exploring remote shores by myself or with friends during weekends on the farm. and finally when i was an adult, hot summers as well as bone-chilling february days were occasionally spent working sorting shellfish.

cape spruce

all that is my long-winded way of saying that i will always love old boats, marinas, and decaying wooden docks, nooks of those who have explored these winding waterways for the past couple hundred years, especially the working folk, the old salty dogs. yesterday was a day spent out on the water, and i captured a few shots of these spots that i treasure.


flood tide

we stopped for lunch in a spot where the mainland juts well toward vancouver island, cleaving in amongst the labyrinth of islands in johnstone strait. port neville is a quiet little outpost, a spot among many that used to be home to a larger population, but now features a few houses and a closed up general store. i took more shots that i hope to share later. in the meantime i was entranced with the swirling tide making its way into the inlet, watching all the bull kelp line up with the current along with hundreds of little perch swimming in place. i also snapped at some of the lichen on the old dock, these bright yellow sunspots so regularly seen on these kind of structures. joni thinks it is because it likes the rich nitrogen found in bird poop, which is of course also strongly featured on these structures! either way, i love it.

that particular lichen...

if you caught the pics from my last boat trip, you might be wondering if there are some other shots to share, perhaps of the wildlife persuasion? the answer of course is yes, plus a bunch of other shots! i will post more later this week.


loving today:
• this sounds like idyllic scamp camping
• joni's lovely stitched scarf


  1. Great post and photos. I love old working boats too.

  2. I spent a lot of summers on Hornby, fishing on the Ford's Cove docks. Plus sailing with my Dad in Victoria and fishing from Pedder Bay Marina. Shrimping off docks -- you've stirred so many memories!

    I really like the photo where the wharf # is evident in the water reflection but blinded by the sunshine.

  3. Amazing pictures, I love them. You're a real artist!

  4. Really beautiful photos K.

  5. Great photos, k. Thanks for the walk to the wharf.

  6. Oh I smell that wharf from here.. and hear the gulls! I love the old peeling paint on the old boats..and am quite partial to a bit of lichen myself too!!

  7. great photo's! i really love the last one

  8. great reflections both literally and figuratively.

    dont even get me started on what i think of lichens!


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