Sunday, July 31, 2011

whispers of things to come...

whispers of things to come

whispers of things to come

whispers of things to come

it's not even august. so i'm sure no one wants to see these pics, and think about what's around the corner. i'm not really sure i do. feel free to turn away and head back to happy summerland; i don't mind. it's not like the air has shifted yet (you know that slight change?), and certainly all kids are studiously avoiding thinking about being, well, studious. but i came upon these leaves on the beach the other day, and the message, while whispered in the softest, most quiet breath of wind, was still clear.

but maybe it is because summer seems like it has never really arrived around these parts, wet and cool days being the norm this un-normal summer. there have been little spurts of summer, but never anything to settle into. i could count the languid, warm summer evenings on one hand. and so i can't help but let the faintest promise of the next season wiggle into my thoughts. it is my favourite one after all. and august, just one more day away, is often a good start to that season, despite what many may say. that late summer feel is very similar to that early fall feel. and september and october are often our best months around here, weatherwise. so i'm enjoying the little kiss of autumn these leaves give. but a brief kiss is all i need for now. it's still july, after all. :)

whispers of things to come


  1. its always sad when summer is ending... but for me down here in Australia, I am just hanging out for summer to START!!

    beautiful photos!

  2. Thankfully its still blazing summer here, but I have noticed that the flowers in the garden have gone over. In about 3-4 weeks time we will wake up to that pleasing nip in the air.

  3. Beautiful post!
    Fall is my favourite season as well :)
    We are having an un-normal summer too, but with lots of sun and warm weather. Normally we just have a few weeks of heat, but this summer has felt very long and warm :)

    And I love those whales you made some days ago!!

  4. Beautiful post and photos.

    It is hot and humid here and I think that the dog days of august are upon us. I am tempted to plant some lettuce and radish just to see what turns up.

  5. I was driving back home from east of the Cascades, and the viney maple is starting to turn. It's really pretty, starting at the top and working down, with the tops a bricky red shading through yellow to green at the bottom. The mountain ash street trees are also starting to turn golden.

    I'm with you - it seems like we just got summer, and now it's ending? Wassup with that!

    However, autumn is my favorite season, so I'm just as glad to see it!

  6. I am really enjoying this summer, spending time with my little men who are truly on their way to becoming little men, even at the ages of 5 and 7. However, I can't help but see some early signs of fall and I'm okay with that. Beautiful photos, k.


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