Thursday, July 07, 2011


i've been feeling very quiet lately, not much to say, not much to share. life has been busy, not always good. i generally like to keep this space "happy", but i suppose that is often a false aspect of the dark space that my mind seems to inhabit much of the time. i wish i could say that that's just a temporary thing, but i'm coming to realize it's been a very longstanding issue. so i will continue to try and keep it positive here as much as possible, but i also think acknowledging my dark moments now and then is the best way to deal with them.

the happy couple

but! definitely some happy to share; the happy couple i call them, in fact. these two whales were a custom order, heading to a beach wedding on the west coast of the island. i think they'll fit right in. i tried to make them a good pair without being exactly the same. from the same pair of jeans, but different sections so one is a bit lighter. different colours of thread, but complimentary, on each. and of course a unique scattering of barnacles for each one.

and another whale, that i mentioned earlier this week. a new orca, tweaking the design a bit from the first one, and using different fabrics that may have worked a bit better. he is here.

i'm a bit stuck on one project i mentioned a while back now - after a promising start my inspiration has waned a bit. but it will come eventually, i'm sure. so instead i am building on a burly ocean fellow. some of you might remember my sea lion from last summer. i thought he was endearing and the shape was right, but my mindset now wants a beast with more texture and layers, rugged and worn from his life at sea. photos to come as he develops.

in attempting to give my brain a little more focus, i think i will continue to stitch on ocean creatures for the summer. but my mind is already wandering to fall, when i have plans for some beasts who ramble and wander through the woods, not to mention those that sprout from the forest floor...


things i'm liking today:

• leslie williamson's photos of kay sekimachi's amazing home and studio space
• margie's ombre indigo shoes
• lisa's mushrooms!


  1. Hard to acknowledge the other sides of ourselves sometimes, thanks for putting it out there.

    Love the whale couple. And that orca looks very soft - is he velvet or something?

    Happy stitching. And beach walking. Always the beach walking, right? We were there today in the wild wind, so much fun.

  2. Thanks for sharing with us these great sites..loved the mushroom one. Your work is amazing and l love looking at what you have created.
    On the part about acknowledging our "darker side" it is always hard. I have had depresstion on and off since l was 16 and l am noe almost 59. the good thing is now l have more good days that hard days.xx My Art is often the thing that gets me through these dark times.xxhere if you need to chatxxlynda

  3. I am sorry to hear that you have been mired in dark thoughts. I too try to keep my blog a space of lightness, but the truth of life is a balance between the two. Your latest creations are, as usual, beautiful (I love the idea of your pair of whales heading off to a wedding!) and I wish you the best with continued inspiration on new projects--making art is quite the dance of frustration and joy, isn't it?

  4. i can so relate to these feelings of spiritual malaise. could it be the weather? there are many of us that are affected by not enough sun. i have been working on a dream board lately because of similar sense of darkness and have picked up a great phrase from an argentinian friend of mine "TODAY I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY". I say this first thing when I wake up and it has really really worked. Hope this has brought some encouragement your way, you are a beautiful soul. Artists always struggle because we strive for the best. Much love, Constanza

  5. the month of june was very low and so exhausting for me
    everything seemed to take so much more effort and take so much longer to complete
    my family asked me one day what was wrong and I said I had been so busy in june that I forgot to get my regular does of nature therapy
    for me it really keeps me balanced.


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