Sunday, July 10, 2011

grizzly of the sea...

Steller Sea Lion

Steller Sea Lion

just before i head out this morning...i wanted to share my new steller sea lion. he is completely hand stitched (hmm, and i have a bit of a sunburn to show for my time stitching on the lawn yesterday). i layered hand dyed (and natural dyed) silk and wool and linen on top of his linen body to create the ruff around his neck, and i think he's got great texture. so many little stitches covering his body. quite different than the last sea lion, as mentioned, but i think it shows how my work is evolving. he has a great character, i find, stoic like so many mature bulls, and he comes without the fishy smell of a real one!

if you're wondering, the head and some of the mane around his neck were dyed with red onion skins - i love the warm bronze-y tone that i got from them. the other fabric around his neck was dyed by margie, but it has a great mottled tone too. the incredible depth of natural dyed fabrics never ceases to amaze me.

anyway, i seem to be rambling. i think it's too early, even though it's not really. you can find this little sea lion here. wishing you all a wonderful sunday.


and if you need some sunday reading, i recommend you check out the new issue of b.a.h. magazine. a great read - and after margie's article on solar dyeing i tried her technique yesterday. we'll see what develops this week!


  1. i love him. what is special about your fabric art is the fabrics and textures you use and the perfect color combinations. he is darling.

  2. i agree with you about natural dyed fabrics
    they blend so well together and give a natural ruggedness , especially with the beautiful raw edges.
    I hope your little parcel arrives soon:)

  3. your work is beautiful. i keep thinking about your whales - the humpbacks, and can't get over all the barnacles and scars. so unique.

  4. love him. love the dyed materials. As you know (as you visted my blog..thanks) l love eco-dyeing and also do Solar dyeing learnt from india Flint..amazing woman.x lynda

  5. Incredibly beautiful piece of art...

  6. wow, you're kind of amazing! each new work is just incredible.

  7. This guy is fantastic! He has so much character! I am continually impressed at how much personality and individuality you bring to your Northwest creatures--it is amazing to watch the animals and plants that I am so familiar with brought to life so lovingly.


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