Wednesday, June 22, 2011

[not so] wordless wednesday

harbour seal

pacific white-sided dolphins

transient orca

grizzly bears (courting pair)

black bear on the beach

bull kelp

pacific white-sided dolphin

taking a peek

transient orcas bucking the tide

black bear at low tide


because my evenings keep slipping away from me (sunshine, long daylight hours, time to get outside!), i am only getting a chance to share these photos now. on monday my good friend let me tag along on a boat tour exploring the winding passageways just north of my home. what a spectacular day we had! in no particular order, we saw 30+ pacific white-sided dolphins, dozens of eagles (including one big eaglet peering out of the nest), dozens upon dozens of seals, two black bears, two grizzly bears (my first time!), and two pods of transient orcas. man, i love this coast.

incidentally, i've started an ongoing "inspiration" album over on facebook to share some of my favourite shots that i've taken around here, to share all the wonderful sights that inspire me here on the west coast.

happy midweek!


  1. I always thought those ads from the 90s said it best, SuperNatural British Columbia. Living here is a nature lover's dream. Great photos.

  2. What amazing luck you had! I feel like I often see a lot of wildness and animals here in Washington, but seeing all of these on one boat tour is impressive. Must have been just spectacular.

  3. i have never encountered a grizzly bear before.
    I would prefer to be in a boat if I did though:)

  4. Anonymous6:48 p.m.

    These pictures are amazing! Did you really see that bear? wow.

  5. So impressive, all that you were able to see! Gorgeous pictures too. I would love to go on a sight seeing adventure like that one day!

  6. Awesome photos, k. Until I saw your photo, I don't think I have ever seen bull kelp in the water, only on shore. I didn't know what it was at first. Confession: I had to look at the title of the photo. IT almost looks alive, in the animal sense.

  7. Oh my goodness, what an incredible opportunity! Awesomeness!

  8. Anonymous4:06 p.m.

    wow! no wonder your pieces are always so beautiful, with such inspiration!
    you are truly blessed to live where you do :)


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