Sunday, May 15, 2011

repairs and rhubarb...

it's a very rainy sunday here. i spent part of the morning helping A and his paddling partners pack so much gear into a vehicle and snug three kayaks on top in a strengthening drizzle. now they are headed off on their adventure, and it's just me in the quiet house. a few scenes from yesterday:


repair work on an old pair of jeans. i covered the right leg of these jeans with a heavy patchwork of red fabrics to repair three large L-shaped holes from snagging them on some barb wire, when i found i wasn't quite ready to say goodbye. a bit more than a year later, they needed some further patching. while the original patches were machine-stitched, i thought hand stitching was more in order now. i seem to hand stitch nearly everything these days, and the boro-style patching i use on some of my creatures is rooted in the traditional boro that was done on clothing. so it seemed only fitting that i should carry this philosophy to my own clothes. i wonder how long before these jeans will be only patches...

making rhubarb nectar

barb's recipe inspired me to make some rhubarb nectar with some rhubarb from my mom's garden. in with the rhubarb goes some lemons and oranges, plus fresh ginger and cinnamon. i can see it would be good for a nice spring cocktail, plus it's also pretty tasty thinned out with just a bit of water.

rhubarb nectar

back to some stitching now. there is a creature taking shape that is a bit "out there" on the spectrum - hopefully you guys will like it.

ps. thanks for the great feedback on my interview, i really appreciate your support!


  1. i might need to send you my overalls to patch for me:)

  2. the rhubarb nectar looks delicious...

  3. I also have a pair of jeans that need patching. i have been meaning to do it for the last six months or so, maybe more. Any hints?


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