Friday, May 20, 2011

friday flickr faves: rainbow edition

friday flickr faves

1. Rainbow Yarn Horizontal 2, 2. Rainbow Self Portrait, 3. Rainbow over Texada, 4. ., 5. Syncopation: all done, 6. thursday's rainbow, 7. Oh 1, 8. Camping Quilt #1, 9. rainbow acorn color wheel, 10. 49.street art, 11. 10x30 Multibar, 12. earthues, 13. Doll Quilt Swap 8, 14. twelve, 15. Rainbow, 16. Cherry House Quilt Along

i made one of these last week, and it was such fun i thought i'd do another. the sun is beautiful today but the forecast looks a little wet for the coming long weekend, so some cheerful rainbows seemed in order. happy friday!


  1. This is such a cheery collection! I especially love the quilts!

  2. what fun! i love this idea!

  3. you make the best treasuries


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