Monday, April 25, 2011

on this easter monday...

while a bit of light rain falls, and i am back at work, i thought i would go back to the gorgeous sunny saturday we had.

low tide, mountains and a sailboat

A and i went down to the beach in the afternoon, with the tide far out and still dropping, and roamed along the shore. a good mix of open sand, rocks, and tide pools allowed for lots of exploring options. the wind was quiet and the bright sunlight made it feel almost like a summer's day - almost, as i kind of feel those running around in shorts and tank tops were maybe a little ahead of themselves. but what do i know?

low low tide

the sun felt so wonderful on my face - i think i even got a little flush of colour on my skin. and i scrambled over rocks and crouch down peering into pools to take many a pic. later this week i'll share some close ups of the sea life, mainly starfish.

low low tide

while i love exploring the beach here, i often compare it to the wilder, exposed coast of the west side of the island, or the increasingly ragged coastline as one heads north (for an example, see Annie's recent post). i dream constantly about relocating somewhere a bit more exposed, open to the elements, and isolated. someday...

purple and green

speaking of exposed beaches, i think i'm nearly done the beach scene i've been stitching for, well it seems like ages. i'm leaving it for a few days, to pass by and eye every once in a while. i find it good contemplation to sit with it a bit, make sure it's what i was going for. but i will share soon. hmm, all this talk on and off about it, makes it sound more special than it surely is. nothing in particular, just took some time to come together. but now that it's nearly there, my mind can find room to focus on some other projects. soon.

vancouver island mountains


  1. Well we were certainly in the same mindset this week-end!

  2. Very beautiful images that you propose, you have an interesting blog, congratulations!

  3. I can't wait to see the starfish photos.

  4. Yes, last Saturday was quite the gift. I live just north of Seattle and spent most of the day on my deck, crocheting. Found you from Resurrection Fern, I think, and am so glad! Your blog is beautiful; thank you for sharing.

  5. Ah lovely. It's definitely wilder up here and you need a boat if you want to enjoy the beach since we have little beach here on the island. I so enjoy the crazy wild tides and water (when I'm not in the boat at those moments).


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