Friday, April 01, 2011

cuteness to end your week...

oh so cute

over at everyeskimo, regina has a regular feature called "friday fuzzy", where she ends the week with some adorable creature or other. this week i thought i would join in, as we could all use a little cute now and then, right? i visited my parents yesterday evening for dinner, and spent a little time in the field with the new crop of lambs. they are a fairly complacent crew this year, three boys and two girls, three white, one black and one suffolk, all fairly relaxed about the girl following them around with a clicking black box stuck to her face. they are getting so big already, but i hope you'll enjoy their sweet little faces (and bums, below!). if only i had video to capture their furiously wagging tails.

wagging tails




their muddy knees are unavoidable right now, as the ground is wet everywhere. more sunshine in the forecast for the weekend though!

muddy little knees

sorry there hasn't been much crafting shared lately. i'm working on several things, but nothing is particularly photogenic right now. soon, i promise. wishing you all a happy weekend.



  1. oh, aren't they dear! i just love how soft and curly their coats are. there is a local farm open to the public here and they should have new lambs about now!

  2. OK, the muddy knees and the wiggly bums are the best!! Thank you for sharing these, so perfect to end the work week with.

  3. Sweet! I miss our lambs this year. I say "our" as they live on the farm we live on, but our landowner was away in India all winter and the farm up the road cared for his sheep, and have his lamb babies as the barter for their care. But others are all around the farm 'hood, from over many fences :)

    Muddy knees are all the (human) rage over here ;-)

  4. Look at those cute little bums! They muddy knees are adorable.

  5. So cute! Funny with the little chubby girl bum, and the boy's more slender.
    In a month I'll have my own lambs - yipee!

  6. another wonderful sign of spring.

  7. Oh, man! Their knees just kill me!!

  8. i just want to run around with the lambs

  9. These are very sweet. And your lovely green spring is quite a bit further along than ours right now. My evening walk was FULL of bird song, though, so I know the earth will burst forth soon!

  10. So freakin' cute! I love lambs...and especially love that nursing butt picture! Thanks for sharing these! Cheered me right up!


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