Thursday, March 03, 2011

storm fragments...

washed ashore

yesterday the forecast called for a huge storm to sweep through the coast. the forecasters assured us of ferry cancellations and power outages up and down the island. while it's true, there was both of these things (although the lights stayed on here), in my little nook of the island i couldn't help but feel the hype was bigger than what was actually seen. by the time i left work the wind was dying down and the sun making attempts to peek through, so i zipped down for a quick beach walk.


the wind was not to be underestimated though - i was frozen through in minutes. i thought it was supposed to be march? every time we think spring is popping up (literally) around here, we get another bit of snow or a chilly storm. i'm kind of on the fence - i'm getting a bit tired of endless layers of clothes and the damp chill so pervasive on the coast, thinking of sandals and bare feet; but i'm also still enjoying the seemingly endless snow on the mountains and the good snow days that come with it, along with a good excuse to hibernate each evening. how are you feeling? are you ready for spring, already?

broken free

i'm a bit aimless this week, unable to settle down with any particular project. (sorry if this post is a bit aimless too.) i'm knitting away on the green socks, i've been stitching a mama & baby grey whale, and trying to make some progress on this beach scene that's been sitting in limbo for quite some time. my head is swirling with lots of other concepts, both for the shop and not. in particular i've been plotting on a new bed quilt in predominately yellows and grey that i'd like to start sewing. i think i've decided on a design, so maybe i'll have a start to share soon.

storm fragments

and guess what? i ordered a new camera lens this week, so i'm pretty excited for it to arrive in a few days. you may remember me whining about a new camera a little while back, and while that's not completely off the table, i realized a far better investment right now might be some new glass. i'm generally happy with my telephoto lens, but the smaller 18-55 kit lens that came with my camera (way back 5+ years ago) has never been as sharp or as fast as i would like. so i thought a little investment in something higher quality might help me see a little higher quality in my images, and make me happier.

enough rambling? hopefully i can offer you something a bit more interesting on the weekend, but for now i hope you enjoy the pics from my beach walk. that little shell at the top is a new favourite of mine - i'm thinking of printing one out to hang on my wall.


  1. I love that shell photo too. The colours are beautiful.

  2. Ohhh, I am ready for spring. The city is feeling dingy and drab - I can't wait for some spring blossoms! I love your top photo with the shell. The detail is beautiful.

  3. i think your photographs are really amazing but I love your point of view so much.

  4. wolfgrrl just lead me this way... and I think your style is amazing!

    I love the details, I love the perspective, I love the textures and the colours!

    I see I'm not the only one with a love for taking photos of the tiny life, and swoon over great socks!

  5. Anonymous12:37 p.m.

    even though I totally understand the wish to have a better camera, I think your photos are already extremely beautiful & sharp (for my eyes)
    we are south here, so we can't compare our weather or even our seasons. Spring is more or less already here. But March can be warmer & nicer than April over here, as silly as it may sound. Have a great weekend xoxo

  6. Beautiful, beautiful shell.


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