Tuesday, March 15, 2011

march monsoons bring?


the eternal gloom of raindrops is getting to me a little, the constant rain of late turning lawns into lakes, and trails into impassable mud pits. every time it seems the sun might break through this morning, the sky turns around and closes in, turning to premature evening darkness and a renewed deluge of water coming down. sure, there's lots of green to be found, but i thought i better post some colourful reminders that spring is, indeed, eventually, hopefully, on its way.


the mini irises (top) and the crocuses above were found bursting forth in a park nearby. those purples look so good popping up against the bare brown earth. the irises too have those streaks of yellow like reflections of sunshine.

furry little buds

less colourful but still a ready sign of spring, these little furry pussy willows bobbed gently in the breeze of a darkening day, defying the cold wind with their wooly coats.

sunshine on my table

and to bring a little colour indoors, a big bouquet of sunny daffodils on my table. how are you encouraging spring in the waning dark days if you are in the northern hemisphere? or if you're heading into fall, are you soaking up as much sun and fresh fruits and flowers as you can?


  1. I'm so looking forward to the weather warming a little more here! Welcome spring!

  2. I can't wait for the flowers to come. I think we have a while to go...

  3. Warmer (6 C) temperatures and slightly longer days tell me that spring is not too far away. Until then, I bought a purple hyacinth for our windowsill. The house smells wonderful from this one little bloom.

  4. very beautiful photos !!:)


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