Tuesday, February 15, 2011

a winner & little snow scenery...

*first up, thanks so much to all who entered my giveaway! i really appreciate your support of my work. while i wish i could send something to each of you, the recipient of the "my heart is with the sea" piece is...kimber! please send me your address at fogandswell [at] gmail [dot] com so i can get it sent off to you.*

the long ride up

my friend M and i went up to play in the snow on sunday. the mountains got lots of fresh stuff over the weekend and into this week. it was fresh and powdery, like icing sugar really. perfect. hardly a groomed run to be seen.

a short break

it snowed steadily all day, and the wind picked up as the morning turned into afternoon. so although the snow was great, my face froze as little pellets pelted against it on the downhill and back up on the lifts. still, carving across the runs felt good in the fresh air, riding atop my "surf" board (note the swirling ocean wave art). when the skies are clear, the mountain and ocean views are incredible from up here, but i also love when the clouds hang low and the world is mostly just shades of grey and white. makes me forget about the world below and be lost in the clouds for a little while.

lone boarder

...and hi. a random shot of me. i don't include those often here, but figure i should check in once in a while. like my new red helmet? it matches my red face, so cold in the wind.


happy tuesday!


  1. I am so looking forward to getting little Hawke on some skis next season!

  2. I do like the red helmet - flashy!

    We're going to have to get back up there soon - your pictures make me need to ski.

  3. lucky kimber :)
    Love these action shots.

  4. You do make the snowy cold look beautiful, almost inviting to a hibernating person such as myself.

  5. Thank you thank you! I hope you're outside, delighting in this snowfall!


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