Sunday, February 20, 2011

late afternoon beach scene...

{thanks for all your kind comments about "heading south" yesterday. it means a lot to me to get such great feedback.}

like topography

A and i went to the beach yesterday with my sister and her two young sons, visiting from down island. my mom also joined us after a bit. the late afternoon sunshine and lack of wind made it surprisingly warm on a frosty day with snow still on the ground from friday's snowfall. it was so beautiful and peaceful to sit at the beach while the boys threw rocks in the water (that includes A!).

beach feathers

that warm, flattering afternoon light made me want to take close up shots of some things i found as we wandered along. i hope you will enjoy some beach finds and feel a bit of warmth as evening sets in here.


sunset light

we may get some more snow overnight, but it sounds like it will be mixed with rain, so it could be a bit miserable for the next few days, not warming up really, but not nice clean snow either. the end of the week should clear up but be very cold (-9 C), by west coast standards, at least. a warm afternoon certainly does not signal the end of winter just yet!


i took a few shots of my youngest nephew as well, as he was sporting the new toque that i made him. i will post about it later this week


  1. There is such a wonderful light in your pictures. I miss that - mostly our winter is grey and dull ... so I enjoy your winter pictures a lot :)

  2. That sunshine was such a gift yesterday.

    Beautiful photos.

  3. I can feel the beachy sun. That first photo is fascinating.


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