Friday, February 04, 2011

end of the week...

i love the colour of this rock

thought i'd wind up the week with a few more shots from the beach last weekend. i love little still-lifes one can find while wandering along. a glowing orange-red rock amongst a sea of grey ones, a shell sticking up from the sand, a wayward strand of seaweed draped over a rock.

manila clam

there won't be any posts this weekend - A and i are headed off this evening for a ski weekend with friends farther north on the island. i'm excited to feel my legs burning after snowboarding for two days straight. but i'm also looking forward to apres ski in our cozy cabin afterward! a weekend up in the snowy hills in the middle of nowhere will be a nice break. mount cain is a community run hill, with only t-bars for lifts and remote enough to have no internet or cell access. it's definitely my favourite ski hill around here (and the more adventurous love it for the easy access to the backcountry), even though i don't get to go there as often as i used to.


i've been stitching a little this week on this piece, and i think i'm nearly there. those who live around here, like kate, will recognize the barges in my stitching below. a common sight for anyone who has spent time watching the inland waterways on this coast. i'm making a concerted effort to finish this up and a couple others that have been languishing for a bit. wanting to clean house before starting more new.

heading south

but speaking of new, the recent mild weather has me thinking about spring, just a little bit. i started a little query over on the fog and swell facebook page about ideas for mama & baby animal sets that might be fun to try and make. feel free to join in over there, or chime in here with more ideas!

wishing you all a great weekend!


  1. oh beluga's
    i can still hear baby beluga by raffi ringing in my ears from when all of my children were young.

  2. Oh those barges are wonderful! But the tugboat really steals my heart :)

    I have yet to get to Mt.Cain, I'd never even heard of it when I lived down in Victoria. Have a wonderful week-end.

    That shell photo is really something special.

  3. Beautiful beach photos. I am also admiring that little tugboat. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Now I'm going to go check out your Facebook page.

  4. Oh I'd love to be able to wander there. Thank you for sharing these views with us.

    Have fun skiing!


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