Saturday, January 15, 2011

finishing projects...

autumn leaves in winter

i've been cleaning and organizing my little craft corner this week, trying to make some sense of the mess. it's always interesting to see fabrics and other things i've completely forgotten about, or maybe just a little sad that there's so much stuff and it is so badly ordered. but i'm working on that, fresh start and all. this has also inspired me to finish up some projects that have been stagnating for far too long. first up are my yellow socks, started way back in november. it took me two months to do the first sock, but once i got motivated, i knit the second sock in a week.

autumn leaves in winter

this is kelly porpiglia's interlocking leaves pattern (for more info see the rav link above), and i think it was a good fit for the indigo moon yarn. with that yellow colour, i can't help but call them my autumn leaves socks, even when finished in the middle of winter. i think the stitch pattern is really beautiful, although i did find it took me until well into the second sock before i could remember the pattern without regularly checking the chart. i wanted to make these socks nice and long, so i actually weighed the yarn beforehand and split it into two balls, so that i could get the most out of it. i did decide to finish up with still a little bit left over, but they are a good length nonetheless.

new pillow

the string quilt front of this pillow was made so long ago. actually i just checked through my flickr and it was at the same time as these ones, so that was all the way back in september 2009! anyway, i had a spare pillow form sitting around, so i finally decided to attach an overlapping canvas back, and now it has found a new home on my red chair. funny how things can sit around for so long, and then take only a half hour to finish.

new pillow - detail

i apologize for the poor lighting in these photos. dark is coming fast this afternoon, and it's raining heavily. i might venture outside to go rent a movie for the evening, so we can curl up on the couch when A gets home from work. or i might just turn to itunes. but now to get back to the big pile of fabric that needs sorting through...


  1. I love those socks. I started to organize my little corner as well. At the moment , it's not a place to retreat. It's more a "find and grab something" place at the moment. I'm looking forward to everything having its own place. Have a great weekend, k.

  2. Beautiful socks! The colour is so warm.

  3. I am very impressed with those socks. They are beautiful. I've only ever vaguely started knitting a sock.

    I too like to finish up long neglected projects. It is funny how they don't take long to finish once you set your mind to it.

    Did you see they we were in an etsy treasury together? I think it is called blue mustard or something like that. One of your barnacle rocks and one of my blue pinecones!

  4. The colour of socks is perfect :)


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