Friday, January 07, 2011

cold 'shrooms of winter (or friday fungi)


a little fungi to finish off the week. walking through the woods near my house last week, i was surprised to discover mushrooms sprouting up on fallen logs and stumps. after a rich, wet fall filled with all types of fungi, i'd kind of stopped looking as the frost, ice and snow started taking over. the collections big and small from autumn's lush months had swelled and rotted, disappearing back into the carpet of fallen leaves settling into the ground, and i assumed they'd closed up shop for winter. how wrong i was.

sneaking a little sunshine

turns out they were just making room from some new mushrooms. i spotted this brown ones above first, and once i'd spotted a handful, i saw them everywhere, clustered amongst all the debris. the white ones in the top photo were abundant too, although i'd never seen them before and am still looking through my reference books to find them. the sun is starting to sneak back into the woods a bit, staying ever-so-slightly later in the afternoon.

little 'uns

these tiny little ones look a lot like turkey tails in one of my books, but they are much smaller than the suggested size. but we all have to start somewhere, i suppose, especially when the air is so cold. a beetle or other boring insect has made topographic lines on this fallen tree trunk, only revealed now that the bark has come off.

ice and moss

this icy photo from the creek goes along with the one posted on wednesday. although the water moved quickly through the forest, where branches dipped down into the creek icy blobs formed on the ends, reflecting light.

frosted leaves on railing

i could take photos of the frosted surfaces all day, and i stopped at the railing where i took this shot two months ago to snap another one. the leaves definitely have a "sugared" appearance, as margie commented on flickr. not sure if that has something to do with the way the frost forms in our humid (read: waterlogged) environment?

i wanted to also say a special thank-you to everyeskimo for featuring me in a post. so sweet, especially as i have been admiring her own creatures for a little while now. if you aren't familiar with her stuff, check out some of the goodness over at her shop.

i will be back on the weekend with new craftyness to share.


  1. That's just how it is with mushrooms, isn't it? You spot one then you start seeing them everywhere. Great shots.

    Can't wait to see what you've been working on.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Love that first shot. Margie is right. Those leaves do look sugared.

  3. Anonymous11:54 a.m.

    Your photos are just stunning, they evoke something really special.


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