Sunday, November 21, 2010

snow, and a shop update

rosehips in the snow

winter seems to have arrived on the coast, early for us as we almost never see snow in november. after a full day of snow on friday that never settled at all, the ground finally got blanketed with white overnight and we woke up to about 10cm, or a few inches. on the rare occasion we do get snow this early, it normally disappears just as quickly, but in this case it seems to be sticking around, and the air is cold outside. we are supposed to be getting a few days of clear and cold to follow, and today i'm happy to be warm and cozy inside.

seashell necklaces

i've added a few new items to the shop, first a couple small ones and then a big piece. i've been enjoying stitching little shells for ornaments etc, so i thought it might be fun to hang a few on braided cords as necklaces, with a beachcombed feather as accompaniment. this scallop is available now, but the mussel has already been snatched up!

"approaching fog", updated

some of you might remember this hanging piece, which was originally "finished" in july. after some months of staring at it, tucked to the side but still in view, i have added some more details to the front, and finally got around to making a label for the back. it is now also available here.

sunshine on the coast range

i'll leave you with another chilly shot of the scenery these days. yesterday i drove up island and got this view of the coast range mountains along the way. i'm glad i stopped, as a few kilometres farther along the sun had moved on and the mountains were dark again. i was surprised to discover that the snow got thinner the farther north i drove, with only a dusting here and there, until when i arrived on the little island my parents live on (a short ferry ride from my big island), there was no snow at all!

i am starting to embrace the holiday spirit around here, probably spurred on by the snow. today i am planning some holiday baking of traditional brune kager, a crispy danish cookie that my mom has made my whole life around this time of year, but i have never attempted by myself. at 31, i figured it was about time, although admittedly she helped me make the dough yesterday. i'm on my own for the rolling out of the dough and the baking though, so i hope it turns out well! there are many recipes to be found online, each a little different. i might try to share this one later, if i can decipher the danish recipe from what my mom directed me in yesterday. they are similar to gingerbread i think, but thinner and with a bit more crunch.


  1. Today is a baking day for sure, although it was wonderful to get out and walk in the crisp air and sunshine as well.

    That wall hanging is beautiful.

    And we were certainly sad to have no snow up here with snow just down there.

  2. The wall hanging is breath-taking. I can't imagine how much time and work went into it.

  3. love the wall hanging, beautiful!


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